The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
Pastor Monte Reichenberg was awarded a community hero spotlight from Honor Wyoming. Not only does Pastor Monte lead the First Presbyterian Church, he is also is involved in the Moorcroft Interfaith Community (MIC), Totes of Hope, Logos, provides food for children in need and the food pantry and is one of the voices of the radio.
For this award, there was a donation to the Moorcroft Interfaith Community in Pastor Monte Reichenberg's name.
In an interview, Pastor Monte mentions that a few members of the food pantry nominated him for the award.
Pastor Monte has been a pastor in Moorcroft for a little over ten years. He says, "One of the things I have tried to do since I have been here is bring the community together."
In 2018, the MIC was created and later in that year the food pantry opened. This food pantry serves families in Crook, Westen and Eastern Campbell counties.
On a regular basis, the food pantry serves around 250-300 households, he says. Households can attend the food pantry on every second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.
Pastor Monte's plans for the food pantry is to continue to serve households in a dedicated food pantry building. The plan for a new building will allow protection for the volunteers and the food from Wyoming's harsh climates.