The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Snow route in question

Moorcroft Mayor Ben Glenn opened a discussion with Public Works Director Scott Green and his fellow council members at last week's meeting of the town council about the possibility of removing Texas Trails Subdivision from the snow route list.

His reasoning was that, like many other streets in town, the subdivision does not have the busy traffic of Big Horn and Little Horn Avenues.

This would allow the town maintenance crew to address the school and business roadways first and Texas Trails with the other residential streets later.

This change would also allow vehicles to be parked along the streets on both sides, a request for consideration that has been posed by a few Moorcroft residents, according to the mayor.

This brought up a concern from Councilman Dale Petersen, who asked about the width of the plow and the possible resulting congestion.

He was assured the plow blade will fit with an extra approximate half blade's width to spare.

Councilman Bob Stewert explained that, overall, he is not opposed to the idea as, "there are enough people out there who take care of the streets."

He did, though, mention his concern regarding an individual who parks their flatbed semitruck along the curb at the Texas Trails Park and the potential for future problems for people navigating around this vehicle in snow.

He also mentioned a "major" drift that blows across Carbon and Tongue River Streets when snow meets wind.

To get an idea of the thoughts and possible concerns of Texas Trails residents regarding the removal of the subdivision streets from the snow route, a public meeting has been scheduled.

The meeting will take place during the council's regular meeting on September 25, at 7:15 p.m.

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