The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Pine Haven Days

Pine Haven enjoyed a successful turnout for this year's Pine Haven Days, starting with 48 entries strutting their stuff in the Saturday morning parade.

Myrna Tesch and Martha Slattery shared the honor of Grand Marshal; they and their late husbands, Chuck and Joe respectively, were instrumental in many aspects of the Pine Haven community today, the women working on the chamber and their husbands, on economic development.

"They all have given a lot of time to help our community," Mayor Karla Brandenburg later said. These efforts included working with then-owner of Paradise Foods, Jim Diehl, and the Wyoming Business Council, pursuing and receiving a grant to get the town's grocery store built, increasing the self-sufficiency of the community.

A plethora of vintage vehicles shone in the Show and Shine Car Show. Randy and Rebecca Blakeman provided the lot on which this event took place and, according to Brandenburg, "With such a great turn out this year and some earlier planning, we hope to keep building the car show."

More than 400 hamburgers were served at the lunch following the parade along with several diverse and tasty salads contributed by the community. Brandenburger shared her thought on the event, "It was a great old-fashioned small town gathering with some wonderful people."

The Sunday morning pancake breakfast served by volunteer firemen was a great hit in their first year, cooking up a delicious meal for about 100 guests. Afterward, they took the opportunity to teach the attending youngsters a little about fighting fires.

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