The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
Speeding – Bradley Rindfleisch, Chicago, IL, 79/75, $10; Jacob Lichter, Naperville, IL, 75/70, $15; Caline Olson, Barnesville, MN, 80/75, $15; Karen Werner, Federal, WA, 85/80, $15; Trisha Graham, Abington, PA, 85/80, $15; Lisa Terrell, West Columbia, SC, 85/80, $15; Jenelle Huskey, Three Rivers, MI, 85/80, $15; Rhonda Whitaker, Raleigh, NC, 85/80, $15; Aiden Downey, Gillette, WY, 85/80, $15; Ryan Sherbeyn, Canton, IL, 85/80, $15; Joseph Steehler, Rochester, NY, 85/80, $15; Michael Smith, Janesville, CA, 49/45, $63; Brieanne Merson, San Diego, CA, 49/45, $63; Kristin Thielen, Gillette, WY, 81/75, $97; Katelynn Marie Blakeman, Moorcroft, WY, 30/20, $100; Kyoshin Ahn, Laurel, MD, 80/70, $105; Dean Wang, Baker, MT, 82/70, $120; Naithan Guimond, Sheridan, WY, 87/75, $120; Ethan Wymer, Johnson City, TN, 80/65, $135; Agustin Jauregui, Hanford, CA, 100/80, $160; Lante Swallow, Batesland, SD, 78/65, $181
No Seat Belt (driver) – Heidi M. Lipka, Moorcroft, WY, $25; (passenger) – Tommy Corkins, Lead, SD, $10
Expired Temporary License Permit/Improper Registration – Amy L. Marlow, Gillette, WY, $150
Prohibited Parking – Alicia Burr, Sheridan, WY, $100
Leaking, Spilling, Blowing or Falling Cargo – Casey Benner, Gillette, WY, $200
Material Dropped or Thrown Upon Highway – Casey Benner, Gillette, WY, $100
Tire Ply or Belt Material Exposed – Casey Benner, Gillette, WY, $200
Tire Flat and/or Audible Air Leak – Joshua Porter, Moorcroft, WY, $190
Hub – Lack of Oil Visible – Joshua Porter, Moorcroft, WY, $190
Brakes Violation – Rodney Binstock, Dickinson, ND, $190
No Daily Use Permit – Joshua Dahl, Gillette, WY, $85
No Camping Permit – Jonah A. Vik, Newcastle, WY, $150
Fish Without License – Alvaro Soto Vega, Gillette, WY, $250