The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Public works director resigns

After nine years, Moorcroft Public Works Director Cory Allison has resigned.

Allison took over the department after the departure of Dan Blakeman in 2015. The department has subsequently worked under three mayors and a number of councilmen.

Allison expresses frustration with the behavior of certain members of the current governing body, citing micro-management and disregard for certain town ordinances by a couple of council members.

“They want everybody else to follow the rules…That’s the reason I quit; I was just tired of dealing with them [and] I just didn’t like how things were going,” he says.

He goes on to say that his department has faced “a fight the whole time” to complete any undertaking.

Mayor Ben Glenn responds to the director’s resignation, “Maybe he felt he didn’t have the full support of the council. I feel that may have been a factor in his decision to resign. I have seen Cory grow in the last few years inside of himself and in the town of Moorcroft and he always watched out for the town.”

Allison also articulates his exasperation with the continued attacks on the mayor’s construction business ethics regarding his work for the town.

“They just think our mayor’s doing everything illegal and [they] try to fight everything he does; he bends over backwards for our town… It just irritates me,” he says.

Allison plans to concentrate on his business, Triple T Services, and enjoy a less stressful future when he is finished with his severance from the town on July 15.