The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
The shores and water of Keyhole Reservoir were populated with both locals and travelers on Monday afternoon enjoying a second day of near-100 degree temperatures. Keyhole is busy this summer, according to park superintendent Greg Devereaux, who says, "It's super crowded, taking up a lot of campsites and a lot of people out on the water. The hotter it is, the more people show up." With so many enjoying the park facilities and particularly the lake in the heat, Devereaux suggests, "Drink lots of water, try to stay in the shade if possible and beware of any symptoms of overheating." Of course, the fun of traversing the waves in boats of varying sizes can become fraught with problems if not managed with etiquette, "Use common sense, be conscientious. Treat others like you would want to be treated...Just be kind and respectful of others."
The superintendent welcomes all those visiting and wishes them a fun summer.