The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Moorcroft Police Department

June 10-23

On June 10, police gave emergency fund assistance to someone in need.

On June 12, police received a report from a man who advised officers that he was being blackmailed. Officer spoke with the man regarding this incident and took report.

On June 12, police were contacted regarding a possible break-in attempt to a residence. Officer arrived and spoke with the reporting party who stated they were gone all day, but when they returned home the window looked as though someone had tried to pry it open. Officer spoke with a few residents in the area to see if anyone had noticed anyone trying to break in. Nothing further at this time.

On June 13, police were notified of a suspicious person walking through the back yard of a residence and acting very suspiciously. Officer took report from the resident and advised to call the PD if they saw the person again. Officers searched the area, unable to locate.

On June 13, police were called to assist a male who had fallen at his home. Officer arrived and was able to get the man back into his bed safely. The man refused EMS services, nothing further.

On June 14, police conducted traffic control for a funeral at the Moorcroft Town Center.

On June 14, police assisted Moorcroft EMS on an emergency call.

On June 15, police were called to Coffee Cup in reference to a domestic dispute that took place in Rozet. Officer arrived and spoke with the complainant. They were advised that they needed to file the complaint in Campbell County as that is where the dispute took place.

On June 17, police were called for a welfare check on a man lying in the ditch between the interstate and the east bound on-ramp at I-90. Officer arrived and met with the man who was laying in the grass. The man advised the officer he was trying to get to Rapid City and asked if he could wait at Coffee Cup while he was waiting on his ride from Gillette to show up. Officer told the man that was fine and advised dispatch of the situation.

On June 17, officer served a trespass notice on an individual for a local business.

On June 18, during a traffic stop, officer was advised that the driver had an active warrant out of Campbell County. Officer placed the driver into custody and transported to Crook County Detention Center without incident.

On June 18, police were requested to do a welfare check on a suicidal female. Officer arrived on scene and was advised that the female had taken a large amount of pills approximately ten minutes earlier. While waiting for EMS, officer spoke with the female and her mother about the situation. Officer cleared scene once EMS left with patient for the hospital. Nothing further.

On June 19, police were requested to do a welfare check on a young child. Officer went to the residence in question and spoke with the parent and then the child. Child appeared to be clean and safe. Nothing further at this time.

On June 20, police were called to a two-vehicle collision at the intersection of Yellowstone and Converse. Officer arrived and observed no damage to either vehicle. No citations issued and no injuries noted. Nothing further.

On June 21, officer responded to a 911 hang-up call. Officer checked with a few of the residences in the area of the 400 block of N Cheyenne but could not identify who the caller was and no one answered when officer attempted to call the number back. Officer cleared as they were unable to locate the call.

On June 21, police conducted traffic control for a funeral at the Moorcroft Town Center.

On June 23, police were notified of an active warrant on a resident. Officer contacted the individual at their home and placed them under arrest. Suspect was transported to Crook County Detention Center without incident.

Stats: Ninety-nine business checks. Five VIN checks. Three emergency fund assistance. Twelve junk ordinance violations. Six weed ordinance violations. Extortion. Three suspicious activity reports. Stolen property. Three public service reports. Two garbage ordinance violations. Assist to other agency. Family disturbance. Background check. Welfare check. Paper service. Two warrant arrests. Two welfare checks. Traffic crash report.

Citations: Twenty-six speeding.

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