The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Boe Drive project set to begin

Work will start with fire hydrant replacement

After years of discussions and planning, Pine Haven’s Boe Drive is scheduled to be addressed around mid-summer. The project begins soon after March 18 with eight town owned hydrants updated within the C-Bar development.

“They have been there since the 80s,” Mayor Karla Brandenburg explained Monday. “Later this summer, Hot Iron will put a new waterline and new fire hydrants along Boe Drive.”

Hot Iron Construction is the contractor who will be managing the project to completion and will be bringing the hydrants up to date before the town water main is pressure tested again.

These hydrants are part of the town’s water system.

“The waterline has always belonged to the town, but [the previous contractor, Swagger] have broken it several times. They dug holes trying to find it and when they found it, they still broke it quite a few times so they have damaged it in their construction,” said Brandeburg.

The project addition of upgrading the eight older hydrants remains within the budget already established will not cost the town any more funding than planned and ensures working hydrants throughout.

The work on the C-Bar site will immediately be followed by a walkthrough by Brandenburg, HDR Engineering’s Heath Turbiville and the as-yet-undetermined Hot Iron supervisor to ensure the hydrants are sound to stand the test previously failed.

This part of the project is anticipated to be complete by mid-April and the work on Boe Drive is anticipated to begin around July, according to the contractor.

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