The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

What's Happening at the Moorcroft Branch Library

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Take a chance and let fate determine your next literary choice and go on a Blind Date with a Book!

Each blind date will include a chocolatey treat and you may rate your date for a chance to win a prize. Blind dates will be available throughout the month of February. 

Our blind dates will also fulfill categories for our 24 in ‘24 challenge. Make sure you pick up a challenge log sheet if you haven’t already. 

Did you know that libraries offer children so much more than just books? Visiting the library can encourage responsibility and safety, provide an atmosphere for early learning and prepare children for access to educational technology. 

Bring your child(ren) to visit us on Monday, February 5, as we celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day. We will provide library tours, a coloring contest and activities for all ages. Each family will be entered to win our Family Fun Basket!

Visit us online at to see all the fun we have scheduled. You can also follow us on Facebook, stop in or call the library at 307-756-3232 for more information or to sign up for upcoming events! 

Weekly Events

Wednesdays, 10 a.m. – Storytime; 4 p.m. - Afterschool Program; and 7 p.m. - AA Meeting

Upcoming Events

February 2, 10 a.m. - Youth Heart Wreath Craft, reservation needed

Feb 5 - Take Your Child to the Library Day Celebration

Feb 8, 1 p.m. - Crook County Library Board Meeting

Feb 9 - Kid’s Paint Class, reservations required

Feb 12 - CLOSED Staff Training

Feb 15, 1 p.m. - Adult Book Club, Shelter in Place, by Nora Roberts

Feb 19 - CLOSED Presidents Day

New Books

K-3 - Dinosaurs (National Geographic Kids Board book), by Ruth A. Musgrave; The Boo-Boos of Bluebell Elementary, by Chelsea Lin Wallace; Motorcycles (non-fiction), by Mari Schuh; Fire Truck to the Rescue! (board book), by Elena Ulyeva; Don’t Feed the Coos!, By Jonathan Stutzman.

Juvenile - Brain Blast (Yucky, Disgusting, Gross, Icky Short Stories series), by Susan Berran.

Young Adult - Champion (Legend series #3), by Marie Lu.