The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
The kids of the first Presbyterian Church of Moorcroft had their Christmas program Sunday, December 17. The live pony ‘Ol Paint’ helped us again
He carried Mary (Natalyn Hoppes), led by Joseph (Alek Renneisen), right down the aisle of the church. They acted out the Christmas story, the birth of Jesus.
The angels were Charlene, Lauryn and Dolly Huckins, Bella East, Chevelle, Renneisen, Elaina and Katy Zurbuchen and Harlie Dooley. The shepherds were Kaylee Buckner, Bristol East, William Bussell and Douglas Barton and their sheep were Everett Turnbough, Margaret Kelley, Brinlee and Brooklyn East....