The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Town sees value in land near school

Moorcroft's council has approached Crook County School District, asking if they might be interested in allowing the town to take custody of the mound in the center of the U-shaped parking area on the east side of South Little Horn Avenue, across from the MTC.

Mayor Ben Glenn recently spoke on the ongoing endeavor, "Cheryl Schneider was the one who came up with the idea and we visited about it for about a year and a half. She's done all the legwork, talked to the school board, Mark Broderson and the rest about it."

While the idea is still very much in the conceptual stage, the mayor advocates the possibilities, "Everybody's vision is a little different... I just think it could be a really nice spot. Right now, it's kind of nothing. I see a couple pavilions there, you can sit there and eat lunch or something and [get] a quick tutorial about how this is where you're at, this is the Texas Trail... If we move city hall and the MTC becomes a thriving spot, that would be a nice little place."

Councilman Dale Petersen envisions a "little visitor center or something like that" and said the agreement between the school district and town will be in the form of a lease and the district is willing to move forward. He, though, wants more details about responsibility, "My question is, are we talking that whole parking lot plus that mound of dirt or just the mound of dirt? Those are questions that will come down the road as well."

Glenn believes developing this space could be of value to the town, "I think we need to capitalize on some of our local history and keep moving forward. There are good things around this place and I think it would be a good thing for our town."

The council plans to discuss the possible project further at December's meeting.

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