The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Soup of the season

The 16th annual Harvest Feastival, hosted by the Moorcroft Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC), entertained around 250 guests Saturday afternoon. Long-time co-organizer Elaine Buckmiller was pleased with the full house, saying, "The tables stayed full all afternoon... It looked like everyone had a good time."

Members of the National Honnor Society served attendees from the 21 available soups, sides and desserts and, of those who brought their delicious best, Jodi Clark won the title this year, with Marge Reed honored as People's Choice.

Sarah Smith won Best in Baking and Julie Shirley came closest to the number of jellybeans in the jar. Of the eight cash prize winners, three donated their winnings back to the MACC to be added to the Christmas Basket funds for which this event is held.

Over 50 items were donated for the silent auction and ten vendors visited with guests as they showed their wares – ten is as many vending tables as can be fitted in the space allocated, according to Buckmiller.

Amongst the smiles and good will, a moment of silence was observed for familiar faces no longer present, Tim Wattenburg, Dorothy Baron and Charlie Langederfer. A ceremony honoring those missing in action (MIA) and prisoners of war (POWs) was held.

The MACC is looking for those interested in helping with next year's Feastival. Anyone wanting to know more is encouraged to call chamber members Elaine Buckmiller at 307-660-4995; Stacey Avery, 307-553-1742; or Marge Reed at 307-660-9885.

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