The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Cash scam hits town

Moorcroft Chief of Police Bill Bryant warns business owners of a cash scam that recently hit town. Two local businesses were essentially robbed by deception, according to the chief.

The scam starts with the culprit bringing in a large bill – a $100 or $50, for example – and ask the clerk to break it into smaller denominations, “and they’ll keep doing that, confusing the clerk”. With fast hands and slick wording, they were able to walk out with approximately $500 more than that with which they started their con.

The suspects who came through Moorcroft last week ran this gambit before skipping town; Bryant said of the situation, “It was pretty hectic and a mess – these guys are good.” The police were able to get descriptions of individuals and vehicles, “but they aren’t local.”

Bryan advises retailers to avoid changing money and only take payment for goods purchased, “and when they give change, just give change for the bill given.”

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