The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming


Dec. 1

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

December 1st Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER by Chairman Wayne Garman at 12:19 pm at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Wayne Garman, Kim Fundaun, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Casey Devish

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Jessica Halverson, Call in: Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: Keela Deaton, NRCS District Conservationist, Staci Steiner, FSA County Executive Director


FSA Update Staci Steiner reported she is fully staffed in both the Weston and Crook County offices. Her staff will be training for the next pandemic program next week. She and her staff are still moving between Weston and Crook County offices.

NRCS Update Keela Deaton will be attending the WACD convention with a soil health booth. She updated the Board on her office staff and activities.

Water Quality Program Updates by Carmen & Jessica

Grant updates The NACD grant is closing out in January and the new one will go through 2023 possibly into 2024. Carmen is evaluating applying for 319 in fall 2023 in the hope there would be an overlap in 319 agreements. We are expecting a RFP from WDA early next year, the plan is to try for shadeball funding with that grant. The RFP from Barnyards and Backyards Program is due in January. The annual report for the 319 grant is due in December. Carmen also discussed Wyoming Water Development Office Small Water Project Program (SWPP) funding opportunity and developing mechanism for the District to manage projects through them.

Jessie has been reviewing and formatting sampling data for submittal to WDEQ. She has been working on 319 BMP contracts and provided updated 1155’s to sign by Board. Carmen also noted the deadline to ship the old Quanti-Tray Sealer in to receive a discount toward the new purchase of a new one.

Estate Planning Workshop Carmen and Jessie had a call last week with Brooke at Plank Stewardship Initiative regarding the estate planning workshop and there will be no funding through their organization in 2023 as they are developing a grantmaking process. Jessie has talked with John Hewlett about putting on the workshop and will follow up with him at convention.

Grant applications will be focusing on education and outreach activities followed by project implementation. We have some leftover cover crop funding for projects for next year and will have to wait until spring 2024 for the next opportunity.

Joint WQ meeting The Board was asked for date suggestions and March 7th was chosen. The Board meeting time may change to accommodate the joint board meeting.

Forestry Program Update by Sarah

Grant updates (BLM, WWNRT, CAFA) Sarah presented a map of active and proposed projects. Annual reports for the grants are coming due as well as the NACD grant final report. In November she participated in the NRCS forestry field tour/meeting and worked on the NRCS Forestry Resolution. Forest Plan Revision The USFS received our MOU and is considering it as stated at the November NFAB meeting. Black Hills Resilient Forest Partnership Meeting Sarah attended this meeting in Rapid City on November 7 and gave a presentation with Jeremy Dedic on collaborative efforts.

Office Manager Update by Bridget

Bridget has been looking into website options for the District. She would like to use Streamline’s services and will continue to research this option. She prepared a letter for Casey to take to the bank to be added to the CCNRD bank accounts. She gave an update on the electronics recycling program now that all bills have been received. The school sent us some possible logo options that were shown to the Board for discussion. Bridget will continue to work with the school on this.

Local Issues

Spring Branch Reservoir CCNRD wrote a letter of appeal contesting the District’s responsibilities and emailed back to state engineer and state NRCS office. Yesterday the engineer called asking us if we wanted to take on sponsoring this project. Sarah was told the original agreement was going to be provided. Sarah told me him we need to know what CCNRD’s responsibilities would be. He said CCNRD would provide technical assistance which CCNRD cannot do. Sarah will wait until she hears back from the State engineer regarding the CCNRD’s next move.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Lily and seconded by Kim. Motion carried. All checks were signed. Reconciliation reports prepared by Bridget were reviewed and signed.

Approve November 1st Minutes A motion to approve the November 1st meeting minutes as presented was made by Lily and seconded by Kim. Motion carried.


Tree Program Jessie has been working on a fillable pdf for the orders and it is almost done, she is also creating a flyer to be posted locally. Jessie will double check delivery time frame. The tree supplier said shipping currently runs 7-8% of the total order but could be as much as 15%.

Compost Bins Orders will be submitted in January. Staff will visit with other districts next week at convention about orders.


Convention Wayne, Sarah, Jessie and Bridget will be attending. The District’s remaining Gator tickets were sold. A thank you card for Jeanne Whalen’s donation was signed.

Employee Reviews Tabled until January.

TIME OFF REQUESTS were approved.

Motion to adjourn was made by Kim at 2:29 pm and seconded by Wanda.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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