The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

October 4

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

October 4th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER at 12:01 pm by Vice Chairman Lily Altaffer at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Kim Fundaun, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer Call in: Wayne Garman

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Jessica Halverson, Call in: Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: Staci Steiner, FSA County Executive Director, Keela Deaton, NRCS District Conservationist, Casey Devish, Todd Caltrider, Wyoming Game & Fish, Call in: Mark Hogan, US Fish & Wildlife Service


Guest Update Mark Hogan, US Fish & Wildlife Service presented a project with Todd Caltrider, Wyoming Game & Fish for a conifer removal and sage grouse habitat improvement project. Project funding and directly related administration and audit expenses would be covered.

Payments would come through the WACD to the CCNRD, the CCNRD would handle the financials and agreements and the Wyoming Game & Fish will provide the technical assistance. Todd described the project area and details to the Board. Sarah Anderson stated this will compliment the current Northern Wyoming Habitat Improvement Projects she is working on. Todd and Mark will keep the CCNRD informed if the grant is awarded.

FSA Update Staci Steiner provided 15 grassland CRP contracts for the Board to sign. Crook County was one of two counties that did not have drought assistance this year. Fall crop reporting has started. The Crook County office staff is now also covering Weston County for the next 10 months while the new CED is training all over the state. Her staff will be in Newcastle 2 days a week.

NRCS Update Keela Deaton’s office is getting ready for 2023, they are currently taking applications until December. They are working on planning and a lot of field work is being wrapped up right now. Jason Nehl is now the acting state forester for the next 120 days. Keela provided 3 conservation plans for the Board to sign for NRCS.

Water Quality Program Updates by Carmen & Jessica

Carmen is waiting for the WDA RFP to come out later this fall. It is the end of quarter again, so quarterly reporting is coming due in October. She is tracking the NACD grant closely, as we may need an extension. The Wyoming DEQ planned to visit this past month but wasn’t able to, they are now planning to come in spring to do a site visit and discuss monitoring strategies

Jessie had her water sampling audit on September 12th, and it went well. Water was sampled on September 27 and will hold the last event on October 11. Jessie sampled Keyhole with Wyoming DEQ looking for algal blooms. Keela and Jessie made BMP calls today on possible projects. Jessie is still working on the Shadeball pilot project costs. There will be an invasive weeds identification workshop with Weed and Pest on November 15 from 1-4 pm at the Courthouse basement. BMP projects The top 5 ranked projects from project ranking completed in April were presented to the Board. Wanda made a motion to approve the projects presented, Kim seconded. Discussion on project locations. Motion carried. Contracts were signed by the Board. These projects will obligate most of the grant funds available.

Payment app for project CCNRD070621IC was presented. Both WDA and 319 grant funds were used for this project. A motion to approve payment application for CCNRD070621IC was made by Wanda and seconded by Kim, motion carried.

Forestry Program Update by Sarah

Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects Sarah is providing final shapefiles and treatment information to WSFD for the USFS final report for 2017 CAFA projects. She has sent pre-award information and contract to WSFD for the 2022 CAFA grant. The Pine Ridge Road projects are finalized, and boundaries have been flagged on 75 acres (73 acres of fuel treatments and 2 acres of defensible space). She is also working on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan for the County. Non-Commercial Thinning Projects for forestry/wildlife projects have been advertised in the newspaper and on Facebook; 23 applications were received for Crook County, totaling 2,162 acres. They will be ranked next week with Weston County’s applications.

Other Forestry Related Items Sarah wrote a resolution regarding the pile/burn challenges and it was supported by Crook, Weston, Campbell, and Converse counties, and passed at the Area I meeting and Area II meeting. She attended the National Forest Advisory Board Meeting in Rapid City September 21st, attended USFS/WSFD/NRCS/CCNRD/timber industry media tour of Fish Fire September 22nd, and attended (virtually) the NRCS STAC meeting on September 28th.

Office Manager Update by Bridget

The final report from Ketel Thorstenson was received and shared with the Board. There were no findings, and it has been sent to the Department of Audit. Bridget has been water sampling twice in September, attended the large acreage subdivision hearing, processed cover crop invoices, and working on the annual plan of work and annual reports.

Local Issues Kim suggested looking into shirts or uniforms- the school can do screen printing and embroidering. Suggestions were made about having a simple logo created.

Escape ramps Jessie took 5 ramps to the school for powder coating. Kim made a motion to approve payment to powder coat escape ramps if it’s over $250, Wanda seconded. Motion carried. Estate planning workshop is planned for later this year with Plank Stewardship Initiative and looking at a December date.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Wanda and seconded by Kim. Motion carried. All checks were signed. The reconciliation reports prepared by Bridget were reviewed and signed.

Approve September 6th Minutes A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Wanda and seconded by Kim. Motion carried.

Board Vacancy Casey Devish told the Board about himself and his interest in serving on the Board. The Urban position still needs to be filled and he could be a write in on the ballot.


Tree Program Jessie has been in contact with the nursery on the price list. She sent out a survey by email to those who purchased last year. The order form is being prepared for distribution by the end of the year. If we would like to guarantee trees we would need to put a down payment on them in January.

Compost bins Washakie County Conservation District has contacted districts across the state about a possible bulk purchase of compost bins for urban programs. There will be a webinar next week for more information.

Time off requests were approved.

Motion to adjourn was made by Wanda at 2:22 pm and seconded by Kim.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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