The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Public Service Commission


The Wyoming Public Service

Commission (Commission)

approved the Application

of Black Hills Wyoming

Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills

E n e r g y ( B H W G o r t h e

Company) to implement a

decrease of $0.0022 per

therm in the Company’s

Revenue A d j u s t m e n t

Mechanism (RAM) rate.

The Commission’s approval

of BHWG’s rate change is

subject to notice, protest,

intervention, refund, change,

f u r t h e r i n v e s t i g a t i o n ,

opportunity for hearing

and further order of the


The RAM rate applies to

BHWG’s approximately

1 3 2 , 0 0 0 R e s i d e n t i a l ,

Small, Medium, and Large,

General Service customers

throughout the Company’s

Wyoming service territory,

including those areas where

the Choice Gas program

is in effect. The proposed

RAM rate would provide for

a decrease of approximately

$0.23 per month (-0.2%) for

a typical residential customer

using an average of 103

therms per month during

the rate-effective period of

December 1, 2021, through

May 31, 2022.

Interested persons may

inspect the Application at

BHWG’s Wyoming business

office and at the Commission’s

offices in Cheyenne during

regular business hours. The

Application is also available

online at: https://dms.wyo.


aspx (Enter Record No.


Anyone desiring to file a

statement, intervention

petition, protest or request

for a public hearing in this

matter must file in writing

with the Commission on or

before September 30, 2022.

A proposed intervention or

request for hearing must

set forth its grounds and the

position and interest of the

petitioner in this proceeding.

If you wish to participate in

this matter and you require

reasonable accommodation

for a disability, please

contact the Commission at

(307) 777-7427, or write to

the Commission at 2515

Warren Avenue, Suite 300,

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002.

Communications impaired

persons may also contact the

Commission by accessing

Wyoming Relay at 711.

Please mention Docket No.

30026-52-GM-21 in your


Dated: September 7, 2022.

Publish: September 15 and

22, 2022

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