The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

2022 Crook County Fair Results

Open Painting, Drawing, Sculpting

Children 10 and Under: Grand Champion-Maya Miller; Reserve Champion-Trapper Idler

Junior Ages 11 to 18: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Tana Timberman; Reserve Champion-Lily Lindholm

Open Crafts

Adults 19 and over: Grand Champion-Jessica Van Woerkom; Reserve Champion-Jessica Van Woerkom

Junior Ages 11-18: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Kimberly Fowler; Reserve Champion-Zoe Skeens

Children Ages 10 and Under: Grand Champion-Audrey Crawford; Reserve Champion-Tony Manning

Open Needlework

Cross Stitch: Reserve Champion-Tiny Bush

Crocheting: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Carolyn Fowler; Grand Champion-Roxy Lossing; Reserve Champion-Judy McCullough

Swedish Weaving: Grand Champion-Susan Worthington

Quilts: Grand Champion-Kathleen Lincoln

Open Photography

Advanced Amateur Film: Reserve Champion-Carol Dewey

Junior Film ages 11 to 18: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Reed Banker

Professional Digital: Grand Champion-Elissa Hege; Reserve Champion-Elissa Hege

Children Digital ages 10 and under: Grand Champion-Maya Miller; Reserve Champion-Maya Miller

4-H Dog Show

Overall Champion: Karen Ulmer

Agility: Best of Show-Holden Ayer

Conformation: Herding Group Grand Champion, Best of Show-Karen Ulmer

Rally: Grand Champion-Karen Ulmer

4-H Cake Decorating

Icing Based: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Madeline Fleenor

4-H Crochet

Grand Champion-Taylor Dailey

Reserve Champion-Ellie Burch

4-H Fabric & Fashion

Junior Construction: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Kate Dailey; Reserve Champion-Gabby Dewey

Intermediate Construction: Grand Champion-Lani Gill; Reserve Champion-Alicia Dennis;

Senior Construction: Grand Champion-Kayla Dennis

Junior Buymanship: Grand Champion-Kimberly Burch

Intermediate Buymanship: Grand Champion-Addilyn Gill, Kellie Phillips

4-H Fashion Revue

Junior Construction: Grand Champion-Gabby Dewey

Intermediate Construction: Grand Champion-Lani Gill; Reserve Champion-Kellie Phillips

Junior Ready to Wear: Grand Champion-Kimberly Burch

Intermediate Ready to Wear: Grand Champion-Addilyn Gill; Reserve Champion-Kellie Phillips

4-H Foods & Nutrition

Intermediate Prepared: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Madeline Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Lydia Castelli

Senior Prepared: Grand Champion-Lily Lindholm; Reserve Champion-Cana McInerney

4-H Gardening

Grand Champion, Best of Show-Alicia Dennis; Reserve Champion-Ellie Jay

4-H Interior Design

Grand Champion, Best of Show-Madeline Fleenor

4-H Leathercraft

Grand Champion, Best of Show-Jace Burch

4-H Photography

Junior: Grand Champion-JW Morrison; Reserve Champion-Logan Harr

Intermediate: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Madeline Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Jolee Jay

Senior: Grand Champion-Lily Lindholm; Reserve Champion-Holden Ayer

4-H Ropecraft

Grand Champion, Best of Show-Savanah Peterson

4-H Visual Arts

Junior Crafts: Grand Champion-Jax Franzen; Reserve Champion-Josey Franzen

Intermediate Crafts: Grand Champion-Cash Peterson; Reserve Champions-Rowdy Northup

Senior Crafts: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Savanah Peterson; Reserve Champion-Elizabeth Jordan

Senior Ceramics & Sculptures: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Savanah Peterson; Reserve Champion, Best of Show-Jameson Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Holde Ayer

Junior Paintings & Drawings: Reserve Champion-Gabby Dewey

Intermediate Paintings & Drawings: Grand Champion-Madeline Fleenor

Senior Paintings & Drawings: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Savanah Peterson; Reserve Champion-Lily Lindholm

4-H Wildlife and Hunting

Grand Champion, Best of Show-Jace Burch

4-H Woodworking

Intermediate: Reserve Champion-Jolee Jay

Senior: Grand Champion, Best of Show-Shane Tenke; Reserve Champion-Jameson Fleenor

FFA Ag Mechanics

Grand Champion, Best of Show-Bearlodge Sundance FFA; Reserve Champion-Tucker Cook

Round Robin Showmanship

Grand Champion-Elizabeth Jordan; Reserve Champion-Liberty Cook

FFA Showmanship Beef

Grand Champion-Elizabeth Jordan; Reserve Champion-Shane Tenke

4-H Showmanship Beef

Junior: Grand Champion-Kimberly Burch; Reserve Champion-Luke Halverson

Intermediate: Grand Champion-Liberty Cook; Reserve Champion-Lyman Halverson

Senior: Grand Champion-Elizabeth Jordan; Reserve Champion-Shane Tenke

Breeding Beef

Black Angus: Overall Grand Champion-Elizabeth Jordan; Overall Reserve Champion-Elizabeth Jordan

Hereford-Polled Hereford: Overall Grand Champion-Kaiser Wilhelm; Overall Reserve Champion-Kaiser Wilhelm

Maine Anjou & Main Anjou Cross: Overall Grand Champion- Shane Tenke; Reserve Champion-Lyman Halverson

Shorthorn: Overall Grand Champion-Ellie Jay

Any Other English Breed: Overall Grand Champion-Gabriella Jordan

Any Other Continental Breed: Overall Grand Champion-Madeline Fleenor; Overall Reserve Champion-Gabriella Jordan

Commercial, Composites, Crossbreds: Overall Grand Champion-Caleb Lindholm; Overall Reserve Champion-Willow Lindholm

Supreme Breeding Heifer: Grand Champion-Elizabeth Jordan; Reserve Champion-Shane Tenke

Dairy Cattle

Jersey: Grand Champion-Maggie Morrison

Guernsey: Grand Champion, Overall Dairy Cow-Justin Tope; Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Dairy Cow-Levi Tope

Hereford: Grand Champion-Joshua Gerstner; Reserve Champion-Char Cranston

Market Beef

Market Class: Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion-Annika Haugen; Reserve Champion, Overall Reserve Champion-Shane Tenke

Pen of 5 Market Beef: Grand Champion-Bearlodge Sundance FFA; Reserve Champion-Devils Tower FFA

Bred & Fed Beef: Grand Champion-Annika Haugen; Reserve Champion-Shane Tenke

Beef Futurity: Grand Champion-Annika Haugen

FFA Showmanship Dairy Goat: Grand Champion-Joslyn Von Olnhausen; Reserve Champion-Lindsey Fosheim

Dairy Goat

Overall Dairy Goat: Joslyn Von Olnhausen

FFA Showmanship Market Goat

Grand Champion-Tucker Cook; Reserve Champion-Karson Amos

4-H Showmanship Meat Goat

Junior: Grand Champion-Tugg Thomas; Reserve Champion-Tony Manning

Intermediate: Grand Champion-Addilyn Gill; Reserve Champion-Maggie Morrison

Senior: Grand Champion-Savanna Williams; Reserve Champion-Nathan Ondriezek

Breeding Meat & Market Goat:

Percentage Boer: Reserve Champion-Josie Manning

Full Blood Boer: Grand Champion-Karson Amos

Overall Breeding Meat Goat: Grand Champion-Karson Amos; Reserve Champion-Josie Manning

Market Goat

Overall Grand Champion-Tucker Cook; Overall Reserve Champion-Karson Amos

Bred & Fed Goat

Grand Champion-Karson Amos; Reserve Champion-Holden Ayer

FFA Showmanship Swine

Grand Champion-Madeline Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Jameson Fleenor

4-H Showmanship Swine

Junior: Grand Champion-Josey Franzen; Reserve Champion-Kohlee Shoun

Intermediate: Grand Champion-Madeline Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Jolee Jay

Senior: Grand Champion-Jameson Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Myah Shoun

Market Swine

Market Class: Overall Grand Champion-Aspen Jones; Overall Reserve Champion-Zoey Shoun

Pen of 5 Market Swine: Grand Champion-Bearlodge Sundance FFA; Reserve Champion-Devils Tower FFA

Breeding Swine

Grand Champion-Madeline Fleenor; Reserve Champion-Madeline Fleenor

Bred & Fed Swine

Grand Champion-Zoey Shoun; Reserve Champion-Shyla Shoun

FFA Showmanship Sheep

Grand Champion-Liberty Cook; Reserve Champion-Jessee Driskill

4-H Showmanship Sheep

Junior: Grand Champion-Charlee Porter; Reserve Champion-JW Morrison

Intermediate: Grand Champion-Liberty Cook; Reserve Champion-Wudzie Zaato

Senior: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Tessa Sanderson

Breeding Sheep

Hampshire Winter Ewe Lamb: Grand Champion-JW Morrison; Reserve Champion-Maggie Morrison

Commercial, Crossbred, Wether 1yr old and under 2 Ewe: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Lily Lindholm

Commercial, Crossbred, Wether Type Winter Ewe Lamb: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Jessee Driskill

Commercial, Crossbred, Wether Type Pen of 2 ewe lambs: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill

Commercial, Crossbred, Wether Type 4 Head Lambs: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill

Overall Ewe: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Jessee Driskill

Market Lamb

Whiteface: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Liberty Cook

Blackface: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Liberty Cook

Speckled Face: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Liberty Cook

Overall Market Lamb: Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Liberty Cook

Bred & Fed Lamb

Grand Champion-Jessee Driskill

Sheep Futurity

Champion-Jessee Driskill; Reserve Champion-Dalton Butler

FFA Showmanship Horse

Grand Champion-Savanah Peterson; Reserve Champion-Tessa Sanderson

4-H Showmanship Horse

Junior: Grand Champion-Kimberly Burch; Reserve Champion-Josey Franzen

Intermediate: Grand Champion-Liberty Cook; Reserve Champion-Maggie Morrison

Senior: Grand Champion-Kailee Gill; Reserve Champion-Valerie Burch

Overall Showmanship Horse

Grand Champion-Valerie Burch; Reserve Champion-Savanah Peterson

Horse Show Halter

Mare: Overall Grand Champion-Chaz Dewey; Overall Reserve Champion-Lani Gill

Gelding: Overall Grand Champion-Valerie Burch; Overall Reserve Champion-Brooke Garman

Horse Show Performance

Junior Overall Performance: Grand Champion-Kimberly Burch; Reserve Champion-Gabby Dewey

Junior Speed: Grand Champion-

Intermediate Overall Performance: Grand Champion-Liberty Cook; Reserve Champion-Addilyn Gill

Intermediate Speed: Grand Champion-Addilyn Gill

Senior Overall Performance: Grand Champion-Tessa Sanderson; Reserve Champion-Valerie Burch

Senior Speed: Grand Champion-Kailee Gill; Reserve Champion-Valerie Burch

Best Groomed: Maggie Morrison

FFA Showmanship Rabbit

Grand Champion-Savanah Peterson

4-H Showmanship Rabbit

Intermediate: Grand Champion-Cash Peterson

Senior: Grand Champion-Gracie Davis

Rabbit Show

Overall Grand Champion-Gracie Davis

Fur Class: Grand Champion-Savanah Peterson

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