The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming


Feb. 1

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

February 1st Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wayne Garman at 12:09 pm at the Sundance USDA Service Center, 117 S 21st St, Sundance, Wyoming.


Board: Wayne Garman, Lily Altaffer, Kim Fundaun, Call in: Wanda Burget

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Call in: Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: Staci Steiner, FSA County Executive Director


Program Update by Carmen Ms. McIntyre has started work under the new 319 grant. She is still working with Campbell County on the March 8 date for joint board meeting time. The 2022 NACD MOA deadline has not been determined; she and Sarah will be working on a budget request based on anticipated personnel expenses. She has been spending most of her time completing year end and quarterly reports for the CCNRD’s Water Program grants.

Application for payment A motion to approve the final payment application CCNRD20210504_RS_N was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.

Program Update by Sarah Ms. Anderson recently submitted proposals for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, WY Governor’s Big Game License Coalition and the CAFA proposal is due this Friday. The awardee for the RCPP bid was Flaming Tree. The RCPP renewal still pending negotiations with NRCS. Ms. Anderson and Mr. Garman attended the USFS Forest Plan Revision webinar today. Ms. Anderson attended the Black Hills Resilient Forests Working Group Meeting a few weeks ago.

NRCS pile & burn This isn’t an option anymore for NRCS. The State has retracted this option for the whole state. Lop and scatter and mastication are the remaining options. Roughly 1/3 of District projects use pile and burn, about 32% of NRCS projects used it. It is a necessary forestry tool in this area. Ms. Anderson has contacted Clear Creek, Campbell County and Weston County and they all agree. WWNRT grant was recommended for full funding and waiting to hear from legislature.

Office Manager Update by Bridget Ms. Helms presented a current financial statement to the Board. It is time to start thinking about the county funding request and staff would like to host a lunch inviting the County Commissioner’s to attend. Ms. Helms prepared and submitted the 1099 tax forms and provided the sales tax information to Mary Sell. She attended two webinars and is preparing for outreach activities in the school starting next week. District Supervisor training will be taking place February 22-24 for those interested. Ms. Altaffer expressed an interest in attending virtually.

FSA Update Ms. Steiner updated the board on activities in her office. FSA is still trying to hire a temporary employee. The county is in D3 drought status again; if it continues disaster programs will reactivate on May 1.

Local Issues Ms. Helms attended the ARPA discussion with the Commissioners, ideas were discussed on possible projects that would qualify. Applications should be available soon to apply for this funding. Ideas for applications were discussed: electronics recycling, hazardous waste collection, water well testing. Ms. McIntyre provided an update on the recent Select Water Committee Meeting held in January. The Committee opted to include the UW-WRP proposal on the economic feasibility of mining and extracting rare earth elements and critical minerals in Wyoming in the 2022 Water Omnibus Bill.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried. All checks were signed. The bank statement was opened by Ms. Altaffer and the QuickBooks reconciliation report prepared by Bridget was reviewed and signed.

Approve January 4th Minutes A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Ms. Altaffer, seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.

Board Vacancy an urban vacancy remains on the Board, a candidate is being sought.

Tree Program A budget line item will need to be added for this program, a budget amendment may be required. Advertising options were presented; the Board suggested adding a flyer to the county newspapers and contacting the radio as well. Ms. Altaffer made a motion to allow Board members and employees to receive a 10% discount on their tree orders. Mr. Fundaun seconded. Motion carried. A discount for volunteers was discussed and tabled at this time.


Conservation Field Technician position description was reviewed and updated. The title was changed to Natural Resource Coordinator. A motion to approve the updated description was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun, motion carried. Ms. Altaffer made a motion to offer $20 per hour with a six-month review, working 24 hours or less per week, with a 2-week deadline to accept the offer. Mr. Fundaun seconded; motion carried.

County Explorer from Sheriff’s Department The Clerk’s office called this morning, it is signed over and ready to pick up; when the paperwork is completed, we can take it.

Clean Water Act Supreme Court Case A letter from Budd-Falen law offices was shown to board. Discussion. The WACD will be writing a comment letter.

Local Working Group Crook County has requested to host this year and would like to hold the meeting in April.

Time off requests for employees were approved.

MOTION TO ADJOURN was made by Mr. Fundaun at 2:26 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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