The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

An emperor's new clothes

The Moorcroft High School auditorium was the place to be Saturday afternoon as guests were entertained by the fresh energy of a local cast of the production of The Emperor's New Clothes.

This production was the most recent from the Missoula Children's Theatre, hosted by the MK-8 Parent Action Committee. Committee member Angie Peters expressed her pleasure in the efforts put forth by the Moorcroft area youth.

"Everybody's done great. We auditioned on Monday and they got their parts Monday after auditions. They learned all their lines, songs and actions in a matter of days. It's been phenomenal," she said.

All of the 41 kids who auditioned were accepted and, according to Peters, only a couple resigned before production. The actors' grades ranged from first to 11th, Peters said: "We've got a variety of ages, which always makes it nice."

The youngest made up the cast of royal silkworms, who made the beautiful cloth used as gifts and clothing. They included Agatha Heringer, Tory Jenkins, Lunara James-Nickols, Cheyenne Mayfield, Rori Gerry and Jayla Bartell.

The job of the royal artists, acted by Avenlee Downey, Charlee Porter, Ava Cantu, Avery Richins, Bristol East, Macy Bartell, Audrey Townley, Lila Jacobson, Brooklyn Albertson, Rayanne DeCent, Dolly Huckins and Colton Harding was to make the emperor's attire, from head to foot, which they had always done well, though simply.

These artists were treated badly by the money council, who managed the royal coffers; they were played by Clara White, Ileanna Myles, Alexandria Purcell, Lane Huether, Audrey Knapp and Emily Cook. This group of penny pinchers was misguided by their leader Manypenny, otherwise known as Bristol Hannah.

And it all started when the elemental royals arrived to celebrate the emperor's birthday party. These special guests included King Air (Anne Cook), Queen Air (Angel Zahn), King Earth (Tylia Grerry), Queen Earth (Myndy Heeringer), King Fire (Valerie Mayfield), Queen Fire (Amara Turner), King Water (Krizma Delfino) and Queen Fire (KyAnne Karrels).

The emperor, Julie Cook, after learning a fundamental lesson of humility from his royal court consisting of, among other, Nadia Harding and Adam Cook, eventually shone in a splendor of character instead of silk and jewels.

Peters, who commended the hard work of directors Mandi Fielding and Brianna West, who also had parts in the show, said, "They've done a phenomenal job just keeping them all focused."

She also explained why the committee brings this event to town every other year: "There are a lot of kids who excel in sports and really like sports, but there are some kids for whom that isn't their forte. This is what they enjoy...and love to do."

The committee hosts a frozen foods fundraiser every year to help fund this event along with ribbons and trophies for the annual science fair and spelling bee as well as helping present the Halloween program in October, "But," said Peters, "this is our big event that we do."

A number of actors took a few minutes to speak candidly about their experience between shows. Annie Cook, who played King Air, spoke of her week, "It's pretty fun, but I did have a play last week in Gillette so it is a little exhausting after your first week."

King Fire, Valerie Mayfield, said, "It's fun! I'd like to do it again." Angel Zahn, Queen Air, also shared her thoughts, "They came through two years ago and I did it then and this will be my last play before graduating. I'll miss it, it's a lot of fun, I always enjoy it."

So the event was a great success and these kids, who have other talents and dreams than a ball field, wait expectantly for the next show.