The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming


Town of Moorcroft

Regular Meeting of the Council

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Town Council Presents: Mayor Clell Claar, Councilmen Ben Glenn, Austin Smith, Dale Petersen and Paul Smoot

Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Attorney Pat Carpenter, Police Chief Bill Bryant and Public Works Director Cory Allison

Mayor Clell Claar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Councilman Smoot motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Discussion was had. Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clerk Schneider updated the council on the clerk’s department. She reported she has been working on two grant applications. She has provided the Council with the information on the Master Community Plan and MTC Feasibility Study for the Council to preview and to adopt.

Cory gave the public works report. He is requesting further information on the MTC roof. A retreat will be scheduled sometime in February to go over town’s projects. He clarified the order of snow removal on snow routes is snow routes, Town Hall, MTC, Firehall, side streets and walking path. The garbage contract will expire in March. Discussion was had to begin advertising for bids.

Heath stated he received comments back on the SRF landfill application. The SLIB meeting is April 7th. Discussion had on the infrastructure money that is anticipated. This will be added for discussion at the retreat that will be scheduled in February.

Councilman Smoot motioned to go into Executive Session at 7:42 pm to discuss personnel issues and land acquisition and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

With no action taken, Councilman Glenn motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm and Councilman Petersen second. All ayes, motion carried.

Clell Clell, Mayor


Cheryl Schneider, Clerk/Treasurer

Publish: December 16, 2021

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