The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Weed and Pest to host field tour

Crook County Weed and Pest had another productive 2021 and has been successfully carrying out our programs over the course of the seasons as best as possible. The district dealt with many of the same issues all landowners and business owners dealt with in the area, especially the severe drought, which had an impact on many aspects of our programs.

Wyoming statutes require the district board to hold a tour to annually evaluate programs. The board tour this year will be a mixture of an actual field tour to a prairie dog treatment site and a “virtual” tour of some of the weed treatments and other photos from the season.

This tour will be held prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting on November 20 and is open to the public. The field tour will be meeting at the Weed and Pest office around noon and leaving shortly after.

Carpooling/rides may be available but not guaranteed, please be prepared to drive yourself to the field. There is a 25-minute drive with some on a gravel road.

The virtual tour will begin at 4:30 p.m. at the Weed and Pest Office for a 30 to 45-minute presentation. There will also be a silent auction and barbecue.

While we would like all to be able to come to the tour, below is an outline of our programs for those who cannot make it. Please feel free to stop by the office any time for questions about weeds or pests.