The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Fall festival

On a beautiful fall day, the 19th annual Octoberfest, hosted by the Pine Haven Volunteer Fire Auxiliary, was manned by a few dedicated volunteers this year, despite sickness and subsequent self restrictions disabling a few key helpers.

Unfortunately, the event competed with two other happenings on Saturday, diminishing attendance significantly; however, according to event coordinator Pat Heinz, "The lack of attendance was offset by the generosity of the donations and continued loyal supporters in the community."

Auction items filled the tables set aside for the purpose to capacity and the baked goods were so plentiful that another dining table was commandeered to carry the overflow.

As everyone partook of the delicious lunch and visited, Heinz applauded the generous spirit of those who were present, saying, "Good food and lots of genuine warmth of friends, new and old, helping their community." 

The group was joined by three large and gleeful dogs, she added, "that galloped through the fire hall, under the tables and through the chairs, pausing to sniff at a brat – and a butt – on the way out."

Heinz advises everyone to plan to attend next year, stating, "Exciting plans for an all new Oktoberfest will be in the works." 

This is the largest fundraiser the auxiliary hosts each year to benefit the fire department and this year the auxiliary celebrates their 20th anniversary of dedicated assistance.

From all of the volunteers who risk their welfare to protect their neighbors, Heinz asks, "Please make home fire safety for all household members a priority."

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