The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Town of Moorcroft

Town of Moorcroft

Regular Meeting of the Council

Monday, September 13th, 2021

Town Council Present: Mayor Dick Claar, Councilmen Dale Petersen and Austin Smith

Absent: Councilmen Paul Smoot and Ben Glenn

Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Attorney Pat Carpenter, Police Chief Bill Bryant, Public Works Director Cory Allison and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville

Mayor Claar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Councilman Smith motioned approve the Consent Agenda and Councilman Petersen seconded. Discussion was had to delete the word mag from the description for payment to FireSteel as mag was not paid for by the Town. All ayes, motion carried.

Anita Beth Irving was present to ask for a clarification on the Ordinance 5-1984, regarding vendors and sitting up vendor space for a farmer’s/crafters market on private property. Attorney Carpenter discussed the town is currently working on codification of the Ordinances and it could be tabled if the event isn’t right away. Councilman Petersen motioned to grant a temporary variance to the Ordinance for the farmer’s market until such time the Ordinance is rewritten and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Heidi Humpal, Rush Creek Properties owner, was present to discuss some of the concerns she has regarding her properties. She addressed the need for dust control on the gravel road on Lomac in her mobile park. Cory stated he will have the road bladed and see if he can get equipment from fire department to put some water on it to see if that might help control some of the dust. Heidi stated her residents have been complaining that public works employees have been speeding through the park as they go to the shop. She requested that someone talk to them as her residents have attempted with no luck. Mayor Claar asked Cory if he will discuss the issue with his department. Heidi discussed the issue on the junk violation that one of her residents received and he has been in the hospital. Chief Bryant stated he has had a conversation with the resident and given more time since he is ill. Heidi, along with several mobile home park owners, discussed the recent letter that was sent to them notifying the owners that beginning December 1st, 2021 the Ordinance on investment fees would be enforced and the affidavit that would be required of them. She expressed her concern on the costs compared to other towns and whether it is legal to charge for empty spaces. Attorney Carpenter confirmed the Ordinance enforcement is legal. Mayor Claar suggested a workshop to further discuss the conversation. A workshop was set for September 23, 2021 at 5:00 pm. Clerk Schneider will email the property owners to confirm the date and time.

Clerk Schneider presented the copier comparisons for purchasing a copier for the police department along with a service agreement for both the new copier and existing clerk’s office copier from A & B Business, Top Office and Marco. Councilman Smith motioned to move forward with purchase of the copier along with the service agreements from Marco, using the Department Head expenditure account and Councilman Petersen seconded. All ayes, motion carried. Clerk Schneider stated she has auditors here September 21st and 22nd. Clerk Schneider stated Ben Levenger, Downtown Development/Rural Community Consultants, has scheduled the next public input meeting for October 21 and wanted to make sure that will work. He would also like to meet with the council on October 20th. The time of 5:30 on October 20th has been scheduled for Council to meet with Ben.

Cory gave the council an update on his department. He stated he has Scott Green and Dave Elliott scheduled for a conference in Casper in October. He stated his department will be winterizing the parks and shutting off the faucet at the gardens by the end of September. Councilman Petersen asked Cory to have his department summarize what summer projects public works did this summer and give to Council. Cory asked if he could have Dave Elliott mow one more time which could either be the end of this month or first of October. Councilman Petersen stated to wait to evaluate if mowing would be needed.

Heath Turbiville updated the Council on the town’s projects.

Chief Bryant gave his police report in writing. He presented Ordinance 4-2021 for 1st reading.

Clerk Schneider read Ordinance 4-2021 on 1st reading.


Councilman Petersen motioned to approve Ordinance 4-2021 on 1st reading and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Mayor Claar asked to table the splash pad discussion until the entire council can be present.

Councilman Petersen motioned to move into executive session at 8:25 pm to discuss personnel and Council Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

The regular meeting of the council reconvened at 8:56 pm with no action taken. Councilman Petersen motioned to adjourn at 8:56 pm and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clell Claar, Mayor


Cheryl Schneider, Clerk/Treasurer

Publish: September 16, 2021

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