The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Town of Moorcroft

Town of Moorcroft

Regular Meeting of the Council

Monday, August 23, 2021

Town Council Present: Mayor Clell Claar, Councilmen Dale Petersen, Austin Smith, and Paul Smoot.

Town Representatives Present: Deputy Clerk- Jodi Clark, HDR Engineer- Heath Turbiville

Mayor Dick Claar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance being said.

Councilman Smoot motioned with Councilman Smith 2nd to approve the Consent Agenda.

Guests: Cindy Mosteller-request that Big Horn Ave to be closed from Weston St to 1st driveway of the Clinic 9/11/21 for the Heritage Roundup. They are having a live band to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the West Texas Museum and that street is flatter than Weston St. Cindy also asked for the open container to be relaxed for this time frame. Councilman Smoot motioned for Big Horn Ave to be closed 9/11/21 from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm for the Heritage Roundup Celebration, as long as Chief Bryant and the Clinic are ok with the closure. Councilman Petersen 2nd. Motion Carried. 3/0 Councilman Petersen motioned for the open container to be relaxed from 3 pm to 11 pm on 9/11/21 within the above mentioned area of closure. Councilman Smoot 2nd. Motion carried. 3/0

Tom Mills and Mary Workman were both present in regards to no water at the cemetery for 3 weeks now and they cannot keep the area looking good with no water. Mayor Claar will address this issue with the Public Works Director, Cory Allison.

Deputy Clerk Clark read the Clerk’s Report. Clerk Schneider and Deputy Clerk Clark will be attending WAMCAT September 13th-15th in Casper. Treasurer report was given.

Deputy Clerk presented Resolution 6-2021-SLIB loan application for landfill. Councilman Petersen read Resolution 6-2021 and motioned approving Resolution 6-2021 with Councilman Smoot 2nd. Motion Carried. 3/0

Councilman Smith motioned approval of Notice of Completion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvements- Phase 1, Council Smoot 2nd. Motion carried. 3/0

Councilman Glenn joined the meeting at 7:30 pm

Mayor Claar read the Proclamation—Honoring Hunger Action Month (September)

Ordinance 4-2021 was tabled for further discussion.

Councilman Petersen motioned to go into Executive Session at 7:47 pm for personnel. Councilman Smoot 2nd. Motion carried 4/0. Council reconvened at 8:43 pm with no action taken.

Councilman Glenn motioned to adjourn meeting, Councilman Petersen 2nd. Motion carried, 4/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.

Clell Claar, Mayor

Jodi Clark, Deputy Clerk

Publish: September 2, 2021

Rendered 01/29/2025 10:26