The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming


Town of Moorcroft

Regular Meeting of the Council

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Town Council Present: Mayor Clell Claar, Councilmen Dale Petersen, Austin Smith and Ben Glenn

Absent: Councilman Paul Smoot

Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Attorney Pat Carpenter, Police Chief Bill Bryant and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville

Mayor Claar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Clerk Schneider read the four bids for the surplus 2007 Chevy Impala. $1582.54 was received from Cody Amende, $1503.00 from Ryan Blakeman, $1000.01 from Dane Connally and $653.50 from Scott Green. Councilman Petersen motioned to reject all bid and Councilman Glenn seconded to further discuss the trade in value. Discussion was had that the trade in value was close to the price of the bid received. Councilman Petersen withdrew his motion and Councilman Glenn withdrew his second. Councilman Smith motioned to accept the bid for the 2007 Chevy Impala from Cody Amende for $1582.54 and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clerk Schneider read the four bids for the surplus 1986 Chevy Suburban. $1650.00 was received from Clay Williams, $1200.00 from Candace Nelson, $525.25 from Cody Amende and $103 from Ryan Blakeman. Councilman Petersen motioned to accept the bid for the 1986 Chevy Suburban from Clay Williams and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Councilman Smith motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

At 7:15 pm, Clerk Schneider read the one bid the Town received for the Town lots located on Big Horn, north of Town Hall. A bid for $25,000.00 was received from Rusty Williamson for the lots. Councilman Petersen motioned to accept the $25,000 bid for the lots located on Big Horn and Councilman Glenn seconded. Discussion was had on the cost and removal of demolition of the buildings. Councilman Petersen, Glenn and Mayor Claar ayes, and Councilman Smith nay. Motion carried.

Ed Robinson, Crook County Emergency Management, was present to discuss the new criteria to the weather system. He stated the National Weather System has new criteria for weather warnings. He is working on a proposal of the standard criteria for the alert system within the county. This would be the wireless warning system for weather that falls within a certain criteria. The Town would continue to use their Code Red system for other messages. He reminded everyone the warning sirens are meant to be heard from outside and not within a building. He will send the proposal to the council once he has it completed for approval.

Clerk Schneider requested to open a reserve payment fund within WyoStar as part of the conditions of requirement from USDA for the lagoon loan. The reserve requirement is one annual payment of $114,630.00, which the Town has up to 10 years to budget and meet the requirement for the reserve account.

Clerk Schneider will rerun the numbers for the cost overrun loan to see where they fit into next year’s sewer budget and email to Council. Clerk Schneider stated she and Attorney Carpenter have been working on the handbook. There will be a workshop on September 13th prior to the council meeting at 6:00 pm for council to review and discuss. Clerk Schneider stated the designation form from Wyoming Community Gas was received. A percentage of the natural gas of each customer that chooses Wyoming Community Gas is given back to the Town for community projects. This year, the distribution is $3,981.26. Councilman Glenn motioned to deposit the funds into the Wyostar park improvement account and Councilman Smith was seconded. All ayes, motion carried. Clerk Schneider stated the fees that are being charged from the reserve account at UBS is more than the interest at this time and requested to set up a Wyostar account to move the reserves in to. Councilman Smith motioned to move the funds to open and move the funds Wyostar and Councilman Petersen seconded. All ayes, motion carried. Clerk Schneider reminded everyone of the Annual Chamber of Commerce Rib Rally.

Cory Allison gave the public works report.

Mayor Claar stated the Council had a workshop prior to the meeting where the water and sewer rates were discussed as well as investment fees. He stated the Ordinance clearly defines that each “premise” will be charged all the charges when in use and each “premise” will be charged investment fees only when vacant. This applies to mobile home parks and apartment buildings, even where there is not a meter individually servicing that “premise”. Each mobile home and apartment building will be required to provide a list to the town clerk’s office of who is living in each apartment/mobile home spot on monthly basis. A penalty will apply for any false information. Clerk Schneider was asked to send letters to all mobile home park owners and apartment owners notifying them of the discussion.

With no further business to discuss, Councilman Glenn motioned to adjourn at 8:21 pm and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clell Claar, Mayor


Cheryl Schneider, Clerk/Treasurer

Publish: August 19, 2021