The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming


Town of Moorcroft

Special Meeting of the Council

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Town Council Present: Mayor Clell Claar, Councilmen Ben Glenn, Austin Smith and Dale Petersen

Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider

Mayor Clell Claar called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Clerk Schneider read Ordinance 3-2021 for approval on the 2nd reading. Councilman Glenn motioned to approve Ordinance 3-2021 on 2nd reading and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clerk Schneider discussed the pay off of loan CWSRF #069. Discussion was had. Councilman Petersen motioned to approve the pay off of loan CWSRF#069 in the amount of $75,768.94 and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

With no further business to discuss, Councilman Smith motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 pm and Councilman Petersen seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clell Claar, Mayor


Cheryl Schneider, Clerk/Treasurer

Publish: August 19, 2021

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