The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Town of Moorcroft

Town of Moorcroft

Regular Meeting of the Council

July 12th, 2021

Mayor Clell Claar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Town Council Present: Mayor Clell Claar, Councilmen Dale Petersen, Austin Smith, Paul Smoot and Ben Glenn

Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Attorney Pat Carpenter, Police Chief Bill Bryant and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville

Daren Olson was present to request a variance to the Ordinance to move a mobile home that is older than 20 years to a lot in town. Discussion was had and the variance will not be granted under the current Ordinance prohibiting an older mobile home. Council stated that it could be moved to a mobile home park under the current Ordinance.

Councilman Smoot motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clerk Schneider stated there was a conference call with USDA today to discuss the landfill funding options. Discussion was had on the lagoon funding from USDA as well. Councilman Glenn will contact Craig McOmie, DEQ, to set up a conference to further discuss the landfill.

Chief Bryant introduced the town’s two new police officers; Nick Curley and Jake Miller. Council welcomed them to Moorcroft.

Heath Turbiville updated the Council on the Town’s projects.

Mayor Claar stated the representative from the company that installs splash parks will present information on splash parks at a town workshop on July 26th at 6:00 pm prior to the regular scheduled meeting. She will do a site visit at 4:00 pm on the same day.

Discussion was had on the agreement with Casey Peterson, the Town’s current auditors. They have provided the Town’s audit reviews and single audits for a period of time in Moorcroft. Councilman Glenn stated he would like to see the Town possibly bid the audit out in the future. Discussion was had. Councilman Petersen motioned to approve the agreement with Casey Petersen and Councilman Smith seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Discussion was had on the sale of the Town’s vacant lots north of Town Hall. The lots will be re-advertised , taking out the dollar amount, and leaving in the language of the Town has the right to reject any bid. Councilman Petersen motion to re-advertise with the changes and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Discussion was had on the current water and sewer Ordinances and leaving the language in on returning a deposit if the customer has been in good standing after the time period listed in the Ordinance. Discussion was had on mobile park/apartment owners that pay the utility bills. Those owners will be required to provide a report as to who is living in the mobile home/apartments to the Clerk’s office on a monthly basis.

Councilman Petersen motioned to go in to executive session at 7:55 pm to discuss land acquisition and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

The regular meeting of the council reconvened at 8:08 with no action taken.

With no further business to discuss, Councilman Smoot motioned to adjourn and Councilman Glenn seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Clell Claar, Mayor


Cheryl Schneider, Clerk/Treasurer

Publish: July 15, 2021

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