The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Proposed Budget

Proposed Budget

Crook County Medical Services District

  Budget Hearing Information

713 W. Oak St Location: Sundance State Bank Meeting Room

Sundance, WY 82729 Date: 6/24/2021

307-283-3501 Time: 10:30 a.m.


Crook County   Budget Prepared by: Alayna Marten, CFO


The assumptions used for the FY 2022 Draft budget are as follows:

a) Patient revenues will be slightly higher than estimated FY 2022 totals due to continued patient retention and growth. We saw an explosion in our volumes during FY 2021. Our goal is to slightly grow/maintain those volumes.

b) Charge master review was completed in FY 2019 and system changes made. Charges reflect FMV for Wyoming.

c) Contractual Allowances are based on our current discount experience.

d) Wages are based on staffing needs provided by department managers. The budget assumes fully staffed departments and a reduction in contract services / labor.

e) Wages were reviewed based on current market data.

f) FICA, Work Comp and SUTA are based on current rates.

h) We are requesting to continue the 3-mill levy for FY 2022. We reduced our budgeted Mill Levy allocation by 15% in response to state budget cuts.

g) The district will be leasing a new clinic space in FY 2022. With the new space we will see increased patient volumes and increased expenses to meet the needs of the new space.


The District was awarded HHS funding. To date there has been little guidance on what the funds may be spent on. We are working under the assumption that we will claim lost revenues and increased COVID 19 expenses in FY 21 & FY 22. We were also awarded CSHIP funding that we intend on spending in the current FY.

  Date of End Does the district have regular office hours  

Names of Board Members of Term exceeding 20 hours per week? Yes

Mark Erickson 11/1/24 If Yes, enter

Sandy Neiman 11/1/22 Address of office: 713 W. Oak St

Connie Lindmier 11/1/24 City, State, Zip: Sundance, WY 82729

Trisha Habeck 11/1/22 Phone Number: 307-283-3501

Ed Ray 11/1/24 Hours Open: 24/7

Where are the minutes of your board meeting available for public review?


How and where are the notices of meeting posted for the public?

Where are the public meetings held?

Sundance State Bank Meeting Room


 OVERVIEW         2019-2020 Actual 2020-2021 Estimated 2021-2022 Proposed Pending


Total Budgeted Expenditures $8,544,886 $11,076,289 $11,475,664 $11,475,664

Total Principal to Pay on Debt $93,789 $95,995 $96,235 $96,235

Total Change to Restricted Funds $0 -$334,317 -$332,975 -$332,975

Total General Fund and Forecasted Revenues Available $13,701,670 $18,660,186 $18,782,488 $18,782,488

Amount requested from County Commissioners $734,966 $748,456 $545,763 $545,763

  Additional   Funding  Needed :     $0 $0


REVENUE SUMMARY 2019-2020 Actual 2020-2021 Estimated 2021-2022 Proposed Pending


Operating Revenues $11,442,323 $14,803,079 $14,991,231 $14,991,231

Tax levy (From the County Treasurer) $734,966 $748,456 $545,763 $545,763

Government Support $0 $0 $0 $0

Grants $50,226 $1,648,126 $0 $0

Other County Support (Not from Co. Treas.) $0 $0 $0 $0

Miscellaneous $85,172 $71,540 $92,475 $92,475

Other Forecasted Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Revenue       $12,312,686 $17,271,202 $15,629,469 $15,629,469

EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2019-2020 Actual 2020-2021 Estimated 2021-2022 Proposed Pending


Capital Outlay $0 $896,263 $343,243 $343,243

Interest and Fees On Debt $29,309 $27,504 $29,623 $29,623

Administration $664,747 $816,365 $835,619 $835,619

Operations $6,756,051 $7,845,112 $8,642,602 $8,642,602

Indirect Costs $1,094,779 $1,156,728 $1,291,602 $1,291,602

Expenditures paid by Reserves $0 $334,317 $332,975 $332,975

Total Expenditures       $8,544,886 $11,076,289 $11,475,664 $11,475,664

DEBT SUMMARY 2019-2020 Actual 2020-2021 Estimated 2021-2022 Proposed Pending


Principal Paid on Debt $93,789 $95,995 $96,235 $96,235

CASH AND INVESTMENTS 2019-2020 Actual 2020-2021 Estimated 2021-2022 Proposed Pending


TOTAL GENERAL FUNDS $1,388,984 $1,388,984 $3,153,019 $3,153,019

Summary of Reserve Funds

Beginning Balance in Reserve Accounts

a. Sinking and Debt Service Funds $0 $0 $0 $0

b. Reserves $3,450,353 $3,450,353 $3,116,036 $3,116,036

c. Bond Funds $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Reserves (a+b+c) $3,450,353 $3,450,353 $3,116,036 $3,116,036

Amount to be added

a. Sinking and Debt Service Funds $0 $0 $0 $0

b. Reserves $0 $0 $0 $0

c. Bond Funds $0 $0 $0 $0

Total to be added (a+b+c) $0 $0 $0 $0

Subtotal $3,450,353 $3,450,353 $3,116,036 $3,116,036

Less Total to be spent $0 $334,317 $332,975 $332,975

TOTAL RESERVES AT END OF FISCAL YEAR $3,450,353 $3,116,036 $2,783,061 $2,783,061

                 End of Summary


Sundance, WY 82729

DISTRICT PHONE: 307-283-3501

Prepared in compliance with the Uniform Municipal Fiscal Procedures Act (W.S. 16-4-101 through 124) as it applies.

Publish: June 10, 2021

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