The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Departments talk budget needs

With the clerk’s office and council having worked through their 2021/2022 budget a couple of weeks ago, the governing body came together with public works and police last Tuesday afternoon during a budget meeting to get a grip on the needs of these remaining departments.

Public works

Director Cory Allison spoke first for public works. With much of his budget for the coming year addressed at the last meeting, the group was able to go through his remaining adjustments quickly.

The largest anticipated capital expense requested for his department is a dump truck, which will necessitate setting aside funds from the coming three to five fiscal years. Councilman Ben Glenn shared his thoughts on this purchase: “We wouldn’t go brand new, I think we’d buy in the $80,000 used [range].”

Glenn opined that, if the town could set aside about $10,000 for the next three years, the council would have a reasonable down payment on a loan to acquire the needed equipment, adding, “Then we could do a one year lease like we do with the ambulance or something to that effect. I just don’t want to go in with nothing in hand.”

The funding will come out of all departments except clerks, mayor and council as the machine is used throughout the town.

Allison is still waiting on information regarding chemical costs for the coming year.


Police chief Bill Bryant then spoke to the needs of his department, reporting the department’s budget, overall, remains the same except for overtime salary. “I’m pretty close to under in everything else.”

The next budget meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 3 at 5:30 p.m.