The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Street name honors local volunteer

Crystal Meadows and husband Roger have been residents of Crook County for several decades. Living a few miles east of Pine Haven, the couple was active in supporting the town’s endeavors to become a thriving community over the years.

A project particularly close to Crystal’s heart before her unexpected death in 2020 was the municipal community center/senior group. As a memorial to her life, friends and neighbors donated over $15,000 to the newly created center at Roger’s behest.

He was pleased to have this money go to an endeavor she had advocated so diligently. Pine Haven Councilwoman Karla Brandenburg said of the generosity of the community, “[It was] just amazing and almost unbelievable.”

To keep the memory of this lady and the community who helped bring the dream of a Pine Haven Community Center and an area for seniors to meet alive, the council unanimously decided to officially rename the street in front of the center Meadows Lane. Brandenburg later opined, “[It] was more than appropriate.”