The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Plow plan questioned by residents

Subdivision residents still unhappy with snow piled to the side of the road

With the onslaught of several inches of the frozen flurries, snow removal is once again an issue for the consideration of the Moorcroft Town Council. The discussion became heated Monday night as several residents of Texas Trails Subdivision as expressed their angst about the town’s practice of plowing the downfall to the sides of the street instead of the center.

This was a controversial issue when implemented when instigated 18 months ago. The main focus of the argument is the snow being pushed onto the sidewalks and driveways repeatedly during the day as snow continues to fall.

When homeowners clean their sidewalks and drives, they do not want to have to repeat the endeavor a couple of hours later and many do not want to put the salted and sanded snow onto their lawns, though to do otherwise may result in a $200 fine, according to ordinance.

Claar listened as Bill Peters spoke to the issue in the subdivision: “I clean my driveway out, I don’t push the snow out into the street. I clean my sidewalk off [and] I clean my gutters out. I may have a little hill alongside my property line where I put the snow, [but] I don’t have a problem.”

He had all this work done Saturday morning before taking a trip to Gillette and when he returned that afternoon the plow had pushed the street snow onto his drive, sidewalk and “halfway into my yard,” he said. Peters cited “property destruction” due to the snow being pushed onto his recently planted grass.

Councilman Ben Glenn later addressed the “little hill of snow” on Peters’ property line that becomes a pile of ice that sits “two feet into the street”, which is, in fact, town property and, “would be hard on a plow”.

Another point of contention is the speed of the plows in the residential neighborhoods. Many residents took note of the excessive speed, by some estimates “around 30 miles an hour”.

Film evidence was offered corroborating this violation of speed limits and safety. Also mentioned was the politeness of members of the Public Works Department as they deal with those who ask for dispensation.

Marge Reid of Texas Trails was a lone voice commending the plow: “I’ve been very pleased with the way my street has been cleared so far.”

As the discussion ended, the council held to the standing policy of plowing to the side. However, the unsafe speed and politeness of the maintenance department was addressed by Claar, saying that the council would have words with the plow drivers regarding proper speed through these areas.

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