The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission

Jan. 11



Regular Meeting


Cody Galloway Roger Connett

Chairman Vice-Chairman

January 11, 2021

Members Present: Chairman, Cody Galloway; Vice-Chairman, Roger Connett; Mary Yemington; Morgan Ellsbury & Terry Wilkerson

Members Absent:

Staff: Tim Lyons

Visitors: Kyle Norris, Crook County Attorney, Joseph Baron

Chairman, Cody Galloway called to order the regular meeting of the Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission January 11, 2021 at 7:01 p.m. and welcomed the visitors.

Amend and Adopt the Agenda

Chairman, Cody Galloway asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Morgan Ellsbury asked that the agenda be amended to add discussion about large tract subdivisions, tracts that are 35.00 acres or larger under new business as requested by the Board of County Commissioners; Terry Wilkerson made a motion adopt the agenda as amended; Mary Yemington seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes

Chairman, Cody Galloway asked if there were any additions or corrections to the October meeting minutes. Morgan Ellsbury made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held October 13, 2020; Vice-Chairman Roger Connett seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

New Business

Kyle Norris and Jeff Halme Subdivision Road Variance Request

Chairman, Cody Galloway informed the commission members that he has a conflict with this agenda item and asked Vice-Chairman, Roger Connett to take the chair for this discussion. Vice-Chairman Roger Connett asked Kyle Norris to provide the commission with his proposal. Kyle stated that Jeff Halme is not able to attend the meeting and that he is attending the meeting on Jeff’s behalf. Kyle stated that they are requesting a variance from the minor subdivision road standard because access to Jeff Halme’s property is from an unmaintained county road that is currently of a lesser standard than what is required by the minor subdivision regulation. Discussion was held and the commission decided not to consider approval of the road variance request by unanimous consent.

Regulation of Large Tract Subdivisions

Chairman, Cody Galloway took the chair back form Vice-Chairman, Roger Connett, and opened discussion on the regulation of large tract subdivisions. Morgan Ellsbury and Tim Lyons provided information from the Board of County Commissioners. County Attorney, Joseph Baron also provided some issues and impacts to the county from existing large tract subdivisions. He also provided the statutes that allows the Board of County Commissioners to regulate large tract subdivisions by resolution. Additional discussion was held, and the commission decided by unanimous consent that they need to further discuss this item with the Board of County Commissioners at the February Board meeting.


Morgan Ellsbury made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Terry Wilkerson seconded, all ayes, motion carried. The Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission regular monthly meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting

Monday, February 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Crook County Courthouse Jury Room, Sundance, Wyoming.

Timothy R. Lyons


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