The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Crook County School District No. 1

Nov. 16, 2020




Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Moorcroft, WY, Monday, November 16, 2020, at the hour of 6:00 PM at the Moorcroft High School.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Thayne Gray, Dena Mills, Ken Rathbun, Heith Waddell and Chase Williams. Trustees absent – Marlene Edwards, Rick Gill, Keith Haiar. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Robert Wiegel, Hulett Principal; and Kirby Baier, Moorcroft High School Principal. Administrators attending through Zoom – Sandra L. Neiman, Director of Special Education; Melissa Ruml, Instructional Facilitator; Teresa Brown, Moorcroft K8 Principal; Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary Principal;, and Jim O’Connor, Sundance Secondary Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Williams to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Mills to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

VISITORS No visitors asked to address the board.

FINANCIAL Pamela Garman, Business Manager, introduced Paul Stille, Leo Riley & Co. auditor, who went over CCSD#1’s 2019-2020 audit results. Pamela Garman then went over the monthly reports. Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Waddell to accept the 2019-2020 audit report as presented by Leo Riley & Co and to approve the financial reports as presented by Pamela Garman. Motion carried.


SUPERINTENDENT Mr. Broderson reported:

o Hulett School is letting school out early on Tuesday to allow staff and students to attend Ryan Neiman’s funeral services on the football field.

o Since July 1, CCSD#1 has had 36 individuals (22 staff and 13 students) test positive for COVID-19.

o He sent a letter to all staff confirming CCSD#1’s intent to keep the school doors open because it is best for the students to be physically present at school.

o He approved a part-time temporary custodial position at Moorcroft K8 for extra cleaning measures during the school day; Brianna Kinnick will fill it.

o November 6 was a professional development day; Sarah Ward was the on-site presenter at Moorcroft High School; staff gave the in-service good reviews.

o Governor Gordon’s office asked the Wyoming Association of School Administrators (superintendents) to support a media campaign asking citizens to (1) use face coverings, wash hands, and physically distance and to support (2) mandatory statewide face coverings. WASA voted yes to both points.

o WHSAA has released new guidelines for winter sports health safety protocols.

o Veteran’s day concerts were held at each school and followed pandemic protocols.

o The 2020 Annual WSBA Conference is being held virtually this week.

o Pixellot/NFHS cameras have been installed at the three secondary locations; the school district has paid this year’s NFHS fees so family and community members can watch extra-curricular events without paying a fee.

o Two proposed calendars for the 2021-2022 school year will be posted after Thanksgiving for staff and parents to look over and provide input.

o Survey results for a four-day school week show 100% of the staff like it; 94% of the students like it; and 91% of parents like it.

o The climate survey results from staff, students, and parents are in tonight’s notebook; please take them home to read and feel free to ask any questions.

o Bullying in the schools was a concern that will be addressed at upcoming administrative meetings.

o There is not much information to share on future school funding; there are suggestions for reducing costs, which may need to be addressed in a special school board work session. A recreational mill levy is one possible revenue source; it would generate approximately $210,000

o Randy Gill and Tuffy Peterson are cleaning up the property, adjacent to Sundance Secondary, which was recently purchased; the City of Sundance has agreed to reduce dump fees from this property by 50%.

o The retaining wall at Sundance High School is complete.

o We are waiting on engineering designs so we can prep the pad and footings for the Moorcroft High School ag barn.


AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Motion was made by Trustee Mills and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to approve the Consent Agenda.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To approve the resignation of Laurie Schell, Sundance bus route driver.

To approve the 2020-2021 hiring of Lauren Kuenzel, Moorcroft K8 part-time kitchen aide.

To approve HULETT 2020-2021 winter extra-duty contracts:

1. Josh Willems - Head HS GBB Coach

2. Shelly (Westover) Olson - Assistant HS GBB Coach

3. Brandon Ackerman - Head HS BBB Coach

4. Lee Jay – Assistant HS BBB Coach

5. David Leteller – JH BBB Coach

6. Derrick Backen – JH BBB Coach

7. Derrick Backen – HS Head Wrestling Coach

8. Lincoln Driskill – HS Assistant Wrestling Coach

To approve MOORCROFT 2020-2021 winter extra-duty contracts:

1. Sonny Merchen – Head HS BBB Coach

2. Michael Petersen – Assistant HS BBB Coach

3. Dusty Petz – Head HS GBB Coach

4. Arlie Hulm – Assistant HS GBB Coach

5. Charlie Williams – Head HS Wrestling Coach

6. TJ Bartell – Assistant HS Wrestling Coach

7. Cory Allison – Assistant HS Wrestling Coach

To approve SUNDANCE2020-2021 winter extra-duty contracts:

1. Nick Olson - HS Head BBB Coach

2. Hayden Johnston - Assistant HS GBB Coach

3. Joni Ellsbury - Head HS BBB Coach

4. Todd Klopp – HS Head Wrestling Coach

5. Skylar Carsrud – HS Assistant Wrestling Coach

6. Jim O’Connor – HS Assistant GBB Coach

To approve 2020-2021 requests to home school:

1. JaNeece Finn

To approve 2020-2021 isolation requests:

1. Lana Dacar

Motion carried.

NEW POLICY As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve the second and final reading of new Policy KIB – Sex Offenders on School Property. Motion carried. A copy of the policy and its guide is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.

RECOGNITION Crook County school board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments:

o Thank you for coming to tonight’s meeting – a month before taking office -Dave Jagemann and Shane Wolf, newly elected school board members!!

o Congratulations to the Sundance High School volleyball team for winning back-to-back 2A state championships!



SESSION Motion was made by Trustee Williams and seconded by Trustee Waddell to go into executive session at 6:40 PM to discuss personnel issues. Motion carried.


SESSION Chairman Marchant called the meeting back into regular session at 7:48 PM.


MENT The meeting adjourned at 7:49 PM.

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Chair Clerk

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