The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Looking at new law

Moorcroft resident Paul Galagos is seeking a “mobile vendor’s” permit from Pine Haven’s council to do business as a barber in a shop on wheels that he plans to bring into town on a schedule to serve male patrons. While he was not in attendance at the Tuesday night meeting of that body, the request was discussed.

To park and do business on any town property, such as the parking area around the parks, would require a permit fee each time he did so. However, if he made arrangements with a business owner to park on their property on his scheduled visits, it would be a private agreement between the two parties.

During summer months in Gillette, people can walk through many mobile vendors including rug and blanket merchants, farmers markets and so on. These entities tend to be found on privately owned sites.

There is at this time no specific municipal law governing this type of consistent mobile business model in Pine Haven. According to Councilwoman Karla Brandenburg, “I’m not opposed to it; I just think we need to make sure we have some sort of ordinance before we say yes. We need to think of the big picture of what this could turn into.”

The decision to grant a permit for any transportable business was tabled to further research the matter and consider new municipal laws to protect the interests of the town. Brandenburg later reported the council received a copy of said ordinances governing Gillette’s mobile vendors and will be “using them to form our own”.