The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

License share concerns public works

With the departure of JC Scott recently, Moorcroft lost one of the two water and waste water licenses held by the public works department. Moorcroft Mayor Dick Claar explains, “Howard [Wick] is the only one, now, who has a license.”

This has created a problem for Moorcroft. DEQ/EPA regulations require two licenses for each municipality to ensure proper sampling and care of water and waste water systems, even if one licensor is unable to complete their duties for a period of time, according to Claar.

Thus, an arrangement made several years ago between Claar and then-Pine Haven Mayor Larry Suchor has been reintroduced. The deal was simple, according to Moorcroft’s mayor: “We just agreed that we would name each other as the backup.”

This former agreement was brought to the attention of current Pine Haven Mayor Bill Cunningham earlier this month via a phone call from Claar and he subsequently discussed the matter with Public Works Director Sunny Schell at the monthly council meeting.

During Suchor’s term of office, he and Claar arranged to work together, identifying a licensed member of their public works departments as backup for the other in the event of an emergency.

This deal was initiated at that time, Schell reported, “To eliminate the Water Guy.”

Schell shared her concern with the council about granting Moorcroft Public Works Department the auspices of her license to conduct testing and so on.

“The water and waste water licenses are mine. I don’t know their system, I don’t know what they do, [but] I’m on the line – I’m liable for that,” she said.

She added that to keep up with the possible needs of Moorcroft would “take up to 90% of my time”, which would leave none for her work for Pine Haven, where the department consists of Schell.

Claar later said of the required failsafe, “We’re just using them as a back up because it’s required, otherwise we’ll have to hire out of town. I’m not anticipating that either town is going to have to go test the other’s water. ” He also noted, “We’re working on getting our other employees’ licenses.”

Schell opined that independent licensed contractor previously employed by Moorcroft for this job is actually “well worth the money for keeping up with the EPA and DEQ”.

Cunningham assured Schell that he would not attempt to force her to comply with this request from Moorcroft.

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