The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

April 7th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

April 7th Regular Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 12:01 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman by conference call.

ATTENDANCE by conference call

Board: Wayne Garman, Wanda Burget, Lily Altaffer, Ted Parsons, Kim Fundaun

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: FSA County Executive Director Sarah Hanlon


FSA Update Sarah Hanlon has been answering all phones lines when she is in the office. She has offered to include the District job announcement in her newsletter. Wednesday she will utilize the District Facebook page for Workshop Wednesday. Spring acreage reports will begin soon.

Water Quality Updates

Ms. McIntyre discussed her ideas for future monitoring and BMP projects in the Belle Fourche River.

Project CCNRD060419PH_2: The District was notified of a completed project with a well that went dry. The Board reviewed the project and a motion was made by Ms. Altaffer to provide assistance on a new well and pipeline to existing tanks provided Ms. McIntyre could secure funding. The motion was seconded by Mr. Parsons. Motion passed.

The CIG grant application is due May 11, Ms. McIntyre would like to move forward with applying. This is a grant for cover crop implementation. There is also a WDA water quality grant opportunity that she is considering.

Plank Stewardship Initiative is providing $35,000 again this year for cover crops planting assistance. This year it was suggested to include some electric fencing projects, with the District purchasing the materials and leasing the fencing. Ms. Deaton will be reaching out to producers that may be interested. The 100-acre maximum on agreements is the same as last year. Mr. Garman suggested renting the fence energizer and have the producer buy the posts and fence as an option. Soil health tours were discussed, the first one is in North Dakota and planned for July.

TA Position Update Ms. Burget made a motion to raise the hourly wage for Carmen McIntyre with Wyoming Retirement benefits. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Advertisements for the Conservation Technician will begin after the meeting.

Forest Health

CAFA update Contractors are still working and the first CAFA project has been completed. It was 28 acres fuel treatment and 11 acres of fuel breaks, for a total of 39 acres. Challenges have surfaced regarding the Moskee land acquisition by the State and an active hazardous fuel reduction project between the CCNRD and a landowner. The State opted to cancel the contract, but the project has been partially completed by a contractor. Ms. Anderson is working with Cheyenne to get the contractor compensated.

Bark beetle update Ms. Anderson will be taking applications for forest stewardship plans through May 29. The Bark Beetle Agreement with the WSFD has been received and the CCNRD is waiting for the funds to be deposited by the State prior to commencing work.


Financial Voucher Mr. Parsons made a motion to pay the bills as presented, Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried. The Quickbooks account was reconciled with the bank account. All supporting documents were emailed to the Board for review. The checks, voucher and reconciliation report will be at the office to be signed this week.

Approve Minutes Ms. Altaffer made a motion to approve the March 2, 2020 meeting minutes. Ms. Burget seconded. Motion carried.


LGLP FY2021 Deductible Selection Ms. Altaffer made a motion to continue with the $500 deductible. Seconded by Ms. Burget. Motion carried

Natural Resource Advisory Committee for Crook County. Ms. Burget has applied.

Long Range Plan 2020-2025 Ms. Helms has started working on the Long-Range Plan by sending out a survey.

COVID-19 Staff has been primarily teleworking. Ms. Helms will do some research into the new FFCRA.


NRCS MOA Ms. Anderson presented the contract. Mr. Parsons made a motion to table signing the MOA until May, Ms. Altaffer seconds. Motion carried.

Annual Review for Ms. Helms is due and will be postponed until next month.

Personnel Policy Update needs to be completed.

Escape Ramps Mr. Parsons made a motion to purchase materials for escape ramps. Seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Burget at 2:07 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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