The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
Local food pantries have seen a large increase in usage over the past month. The Moorcroft Interfaith Community (MIC) released their figures for families served in the month of April and the numbers were up substantially.
“In a normal month we serve around 30 families representing close to 100 individuals at our regular pantries,” says MIC President Pastor Monte Reichenberg.
“But in the month of April, our regular food pantries, offered on the first and third Thursdays of each month, more than doubled in number. 66 families representing 244 individuals were served. This number includes 105 children (1-18), 116 adults (19-59) and 73 seniors (60 and above).”
“In addition,” Reichenberg continues, “The Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies (WFBR) is helping our community with a county wide monthly Mobile Food Pantry. This pantry is open to the public and WFBR and MIC are encouraging families to take the opportunity to come get, not only the food they need to survive, but also to begin planning and stocking an emergency pantry at home. Our current situation definitely points out the need to be prepared for the unexpected.”
The numbers for the Mobile Food Pantry jump significantly as well. In March, 71 families took advantage of the program. In April, the Mobile Pantry, which was set up as a drive through so no one had to get out of their vehicle, served 113 families.
“We were inundated,” Reichenberg admits. “Fortunately, we were set up very well with lots of volunteers to get the food boxed and placed in vehicles. But we did run out of some items because the WFBR had sent food based on the 71 families from March. Fortunately, everyone understood and we were able to give each family something.”
The WFBR has informed the MIC that they will significantly increase the amount of food for the next Mobile Food Pantry. That mobile pantry will be held on May 14, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The MIC wants to thank the many volunteers who helped with unloading the truck, stocking the tables, filling boxes and placing in vehicles. They want to also thank the drivers who delivered food to some shut-ins and families in quarantine who were unable to get their own.
“We also want to thank Diehl’s Supermarket, for discount pricing and WFBR for cash grants for use with food purchases. They have helped make it possible for us to purchase and provide all the food that we can,” says Reichenberg.
“We especially want to thank the PRECorp Foundation for their generosity. Since the beginning of the year they have donated over 400 pounds of meats and provided a $1500 grant to MIC. They have also made grants to Crook County Senior Services panty and other pantries around the state. Their generosity is most appreciated and greatly needed at this time.”
Anyone wishing to donate to the MIC (which is a 501c3 nonprofit) to help their neighbors may send a check to MIC P.O. Box 1056 Moorcroft, WY and note “food pantry” in the footnote. Donations of all sizes are welcome.
The next regular MIC food pantry will be from 4-6 P.M. on May 7, 2020. Also don’t forget that the Crook County Senior Services have pantries beside Sharon’s Home Health on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 10:30-12:30.
If you would like to volunteer to work at any pantry please contact Pastor Monte 217-251-1182, [email protected], Walt Campbell or Randy Blakeman. Be sure to like us on Facebook.
Moorcroft Interfaith Community; putting the “Unity back into community”.