The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
The roof of the Moorcroft Town Center (MTC) was badly damaged in the hail storms last summer and, while other buildings throughout town were repaired by insurance, the MTC is still waiting for damage repair.
After an LGLP paid inspector checked the damage of the flat roofed MTC building, they subsequently reported little damage and offered minimal consideration for that. Public Works Director Cory Allison did not accept that evaluation and, with council approval, asked and paid for a different engineer to conduct a new inspection.
The company agreed and, after several months, the findings of the second inspector as well as the new insurance compensation claim he advised have been released to the council.
The original compensation offered was not quite $2000, but the finding of the second engineer increases the claim for damage to $178,024.17. After a moment of silence, Mayor Dick Claar summed up the feelings of the council, “Gee whiz, from 0 to $178,000!”
The LGLP will work with Lowe Roofing to fix the extensive damage.