The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming


December 9, 2019



Regular Meeting


Roger Connett Cody Galloway

Chairman Vice-Chairman

December 9, 2019

Members Present: Members Absent: Visitors: Staff:

Chairman, Roger Connett Rodney Geil Susan Rice Tim Lyons

Vice-Chairman, Cody Galloway Mary Yemington Callie Hilty

Terry Wilkerson

Chairman, Roger Connett called to order the regular meeting of the Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission December 9, 2019 at 7:01 p.m.

Amend and Adopt the Agenda

Chairman, Roger Connett asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Vice-Chairman, Cody Galloway made a motion to adopt the agenda; Terry Wilkerson seconded, the motion which carried.

Approval of the Minutes

Chairman, Roger Connett asked if there were any additions or corrections to the November meeting minutes. Vice-Chairman, Cody Galloway noted that Mary Yemington is not a Vice-Chairman and that needs corrected; he then made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held November 12, 2019 as amended; Terry Wilkerson seconded, the motion which carried.

New Business

Public Hearing – Rice Subdivision (Minor)

Chairman, Roger Connett opened the public hearing for the Rice Subdivision at 7:02 p.m. and asked if there were any public comments from anyone attending the meeting. Discussion was held concerning the variance request, Vice-Chairman, Cody Galloway did not feel that it was applicable. Additional discussion was held concerning south access from State Highway 24 and the county road easement on the north edge of the property. Tim Lyons informed the Commission members that Growth & Development had been contacted by Yvette Kirkman and she expressed concerns about new septic systems being constructed to close to the creek and additional traffic accesses the highway. Harvey Hell had also called and stated that he and Jan did not have any concerns about the subdivision. Vice-Chairman, Cody Galloway made a motion to recommend approval of the subdivision application and plat to the Board of County Commissioners; Terry Wilkerson seconded the motion which carried. Chairman, Roger Connett closed the public hearing for the at 7:19 p.m.

Chairman, Roger Connett opened discussion on the proposed State of Wyoming “Moskee” Land Acquisition. Discussion was held; no action was taken.


Terry Wilkerson made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Vice-Chairman, Cody Galloway seconded, the motion which carried. The Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission regular monthly meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Crook County Courthouse Jury Room, Sundance, Wyoming.

Timothy R. Lyons


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