The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Tricks and treats in the area

Ghoulies, ghosties, bees and pirates, all are invited to the annual Trick or Treat Street and Spook House on Saturday, October 26, from 5 until 8 p.m. at the MTC gymnasium. Guests may enter through the southwest gym doors.

The students have created a dark and frightening haunted house this Halloween holiday season for your pleasure as well as a “not so spooky spook house” for those of a weaker or younger constitution, the floor will be filled with games galore and dinner will be served during the evening.

Baked goods are welcome for the cakewalk; donations of any kind are greatly appreciated. If sending your donation via mail, please address it to Moorcroft Police Department, P.O. Box 70, Moorcroft, WY 82721.

The event is sponsored by the Moorcroft Elementary Parent Advisory, Moorcroft Police Department and individuals and businesses of the community. Call Angie Peters of the parent advisory at 756-9218 or 756-2632 or Jesse Connally of the police department at 756-3301 or 756-9504 for more information.

Pine Haven party

Everyone’s invited to the Halloween party in Pine Haven on Thursday, October 31. The festivities will be held at town hall and starts at 5:30 p.m., ending at 7:30.

Trick out your ride (to be parked on Hays Boulevard) and bring candy for the little ghoulies for Trunk or Treat.

Plan to win! Prizes will be awarded for the spookiest and silliest costumes in three categories – Kid, Adult and Duo.

Do you consider yourself a bit of a master at carving pumpkins? Bring it and show off your work for a chance to win a prize for Best Pumpkin. While you are there, share your talent for spooky cookie decorating.

Sweet treats are needed for the cakewalk (cupcakes, cookies or cakes); please drop off donations the day of the event.

Sandwiches will be provided by Pokey’s BBQ with chips from Paradise Foods and Halloween goodies donated by The Reservoir. This event is sponsored by the Pine Haven Recreation Board.