The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Objections to BHE price hike

At last Monday’s Moorcroft Council meeting, Black Hills Energy’s proposed rate hike of 25 percent for businesses and 19.74 percent for residents was discussed with the governing body strenuously objecting in behalf of municipal citizens.

Councilman Dale Petersen asked if the price increase is due to a raise in gas prices or transportation; the reason for the hike, though, according to the company, is that the rate changes will streamline service throughout Wyoming and help them recover investments.

Town Attorney Jim Peck advised drafting a letter of objection to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), suggesting that the cost of their new infrastructure or higher dividends to their share holders should not be passed down to the customers. Said letter of protest will join a mounting number of opposition to this substantial price increase.

The council again spoke to this looming issue at Tuesday night’s workshop and Moorcroft Mayor Dick Claar later shared his understanding that this raise must be approved by the PUC: “Black Hills Energy has to prove to them why they need the increase. The commission has the power to tell them that they can only raise their rates X percentage.”

If the rate hike does go into effect, citizens can expect to see the increase beginning in their January bill.