The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
The needed parts for the lightning-struck booster pumps that pump the water from the Madison well east of town to the municipal tank arrived last Thursday and were installed Friday, according to Public Works Director Cory Allison; and Well #6 that had shut down is fixed and running full strength.
At last Monday’s meeting of the town council, seal coating and crack sealing were discussed. This included the issues of bonding, inability to actually measure area for crack sealing and a better control of the money apportioned for the job thatthe town recently advertized for bid.
Town Attorney Jim Peck advised the governing body that changing the perspective of the work may better behoove the town. Peck suggested simply hiring the job out street by street; the $35,000 project amount regulated by statute is not a problem then and the council can watch the cost of each street and anticipate an approximate cost of the next area of work before proceeding.
This manner of coating and sealing the municipal roadways does not obligate the town to a large project cost, allowing a stop on work when the end of the allocated funding is reached for the year.
The body agreed with this advice and Allison contacted the only company that responded to the original bid with the idea. He anticipates a start on the first street in August and the number of streets that can be done this year will be determined by how many cracks have to be sealed on each one.