The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

New life for old livery

West Texas Trail Museum Director Cynthia Clonch was on hand Monday morning to guide the installation of a refurbished heavy business or livery wagon (circa mid to latter 1800s) into a place of honor in the museum. Doug and Jo Kissack, who rebuild these conveniences of the past, had asked if she would like to display the wagon for a period of time. The rig is rebuilt to many of the original specifications with a leather top and seat as well as wrapped dash and a luggage compartment in the rear. It is painted beautifully in a glossy black. The wagon was broken down and carried through the front doors before being reassembled by the Kissack team. Be sure to drop by and take a look at this and so many other attractions at the West Texas Trail Museum this month.