The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Be a hero, give blood

United Blood Services will be in Moorcroft on Tueday, May 21, from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Moorcroft Fire Hall. The Moorcroft Presbyterian deacons will again be sponsoring the drive by providing refreshments.

As always, all types of blood are needed, especially O Negative, B Negative and A Negative. To donate blood, you must be within the following parameters: 16 years old (with parental permission) or older; weighing at least 110 pounds.

Do not donate if you have a cold or flu symptoms or do not feel well on the day of donation; have had hepatitis after your 11th birthday or have been in close contact with someone with clinical hepatitis within the past 12 months; have a history of cancer in the past year (except some skin cancers); have had a blood transfusion, ear or skin piercing, acupuncture, accidental needle stick or have traveled to a malaria risk area in the past 12 months; at risk for exposure to HIV; and/or pregnant in the past six weeks.

If at all possible, go on line to complete your FAST TRACK health information to save time. If you are unable to do so, you can complete it the day of the blood draw.

If you have questions about your eligibility, you may call Mary Lou Petersen at 756-3439 or 756-2833 for an appointment or sign up on line at http://www.Unitedblood and use sponsor code: Moorcroft.

United Blood Services is always in need of new donors so please consider donating even if you haven’t done so before. Be that hero for someone in need of a life saving blood transfusion.