The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Crook County Natural Resource District

March 5, 2019

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

March 5th Regular Board Meeting Agenda 12:00pm


The CCNRD Board Meeting is called to order at 12:05 pm by Chairman, Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center 117 South 21st Street Sundance, Wyoming 82729.


Board: Wayne Garman, Ted Parsons, Jennifer Hinkhouse, Lily Altaffer, Wanda Burget

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Raesha Sell, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Call in)

Guests: Jason Nehl, RCCP Update with NRCS and FSA County Executive Director, Sarah Rytting


Guest Updates:

NRCS-Jason Nehl informed the Board of the following updates. The NRCS field office wrote 11 RCPP thinning contracts, and we are waiting on those to be approved for funding. EQIP projects will be funded first and then other programs will be funded after, such as RCPP. He also said that CSP will probably change with the new Farm Bill. This 2019 year will probably proceed with the current Farm Bill until the new Farm Bill is fully understood.

FSA-Sarah Rytting informed the Board that she is hosting a Producer Information Meeting on March 19th & 20th from 1:00 pm-2:00 pm. NRCS & CCNRD will also be able to inform producers of current programs during the meeting. Sarah said that the cold weather has contributed to calf losses. Producers have been coming in and are highly encouraged to document losses.

NAP Coverage: Sarah shared that Spring seeded crops must be documented with FSA by April 1st, 2019 in order to receive insurance. Cover Crops maybe eligible for the April 1st deadline depending on the producer’s intention for that crop and the time of termination. Cover crops must be terminated by a certain date in order to be eligible. Producers should communicate with FSA to see if the policy will work for their crops.

Water Quality by Carmen & Raesha

7 BMP project applications were submitted for the March 1st batching date.

Septic system outreach letter was mailed to landowners on the impaired stretches to see if they are eligible for our septic cost assistance program.

The Board approved the request to amend the BMP contract language to include a clause that requires project initiation within the first year.

Wayne signed the water quality sampling agreements with three landowners for the 2019 sampling season. Contracts were signed in approval. Lily made a motion to approve the minutes from the Joint Board of Supervisors’ Water Quality Meeting that took place in January 28, 2019. Ms. Hinkhouse seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as written and signed by Wayne and Raesha.

Raesha, Sarah & Carmen provided a summary of the Watershed Conference and thanked the Board for allowing us to attend.

Local Issues by Carmen

Penta Soil Concern: WDEQ will be in contact with the landowner’s regarding penta contamination of soil and water.

Gillette/Madison Update: The WDEQ has not issued any more reports for the Gillette-Madison Study since the M11 report was released at the beginning of the year. Carmen responded to concerns that the City of Gillette planned to conduct a discharge during the week of March 4th that would exceed what was permitted. The WDEQ clarified that they have not been notified of any immediate plans by the City of Gillette to discharge waters on-site and that the discharge permitted has not been revised to allow anything more than approximately 1,000,000 gallons.

Strata Energy: Carmen reviewed the WDEQ’s letter to the District and explained that while the WDEQ’s response was informative, it did not address our main concern that the agency provides a public comment period between Stages I and II of Strata’s current pilot study once Strata and the State had more information on the implications of using low pH lixiviant on-site.

Re-schedule tour: Carmen recommended coordinating with Strata to have a meeting at the end of Stage I to help answer our questions regarding the study and long-term implications for site and groundwater remediation. The Board recommended that Raesha ask Strata if we can schedule a tour to learn more about the study results.

Forest Health: Sarah shared that snow depth has hindered project process. She said that projects haven’t been completed in the past three months. Current contracts go through May, so hopefully they don’t need to be extended. If they are extended into the summer months, landowners have to be aware of the IPS beetle. A quarterly reimbursement request and report is due this month. Sarah will go to a meeting this Thursday to discuss plans to support forest resiliency. She informed the Board that she is committed to help with the community to prepare a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). It is a guiding document to identify the high-risk areas. It would also increase opportunities for future grant opportunities.


Financial Voucher: Lily made a motion to pay the bills as presented and verify correspondence with the financial voucher for February expenses and deposits. Wanda seconded the motion. Motion was carried. All bills were paid.

Reconciliation Report: Ms. Burget reconciled the bank account. The bank account reconciled with the bank statement and was approved.

Approve Minutes

Jennifer made a motion to approve the minutes as read from the February 5th, 2019 meeting. Ms. Altaffer seconded the motion. Motion was carried.


LGLP Renewal: Wayne signed the Local Government Liability Pool Insurance form in approval of a $500.00 deductible.

Soil Health-Brown Operation Tour: Gabe Brown Soil Health Tour registration is open until March 29th. Keela plans to accompany interested producers on the trip to Browns’ Ranch. Raesha will also be among the attendees.

WACD Updates: Miscellaneous legislative updates by the WACD Director were provided to the Board.

Board Elections: Ted made a motion to re-nominate all supervisors for their existing positions. Motion was seconded by Lily. Motion carried; therefore, all positions were re-appointed as follows: Chairman, Wayne Garman: Vice Chairman, Ted Parsons: Secretary, Jennifer Hinkhouse; Treasurer, Wanda Burget; Member, Lily Altaffer.

Lily made a motion to select the Sundance Times as the official newspaper for the CCNRD publications. Motion seconded by Ted. Motion carried.

Lily made a motion to elect the Sundance State Bank as the official bank for the Crook County Natural Resource District. Motion seconded by Ted. Motion carried.

Hiring Positions: Eight Office Manager applications were accepted, and 21 Conservation Field Technician applications were received by close of business, March 4th. The applications were all reviewed and ranked. Wayne Garman recused himself from discussions regarding Office Manager applicants. Jennifer made a motion to interview the top three ranked Office Manager applicants on Friday, March 8th, 2019. Ms. Burget seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Jennifer made a motion to wait until April 1st to determine if the CCNRD was awarded the NACD technical assistance grant prior to conducting interviews for the Conservation Field Technician position. Lily seconded the motion. Discussion occurred. Motion carried. Ms. Hinkhouse requested Sarah call the top three applicants and ask if they would be available for interviews on Friday, March 8th.

Vehicle: The Board reviewed two bids that were submitted. A motion was made by Ms. Hinkhouse to reject both bids and work directly with dealers to help us find a vehicle. Ms. Altaffer seconded the motion. Motion carried. Home Town Motors has the vehicle requirement needs and will help us find vehicle. Jennifer made a motion to authorize Lily to purchase a vehicle, fitting the description that was previously drafted, up to $13,000. Ms. Burget seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Discuss Explorer Status: Lily recused herself from the discussion. Mr. Parsons made a motion to pay Lily’s Garage $135.00 for installing a new battery in the Explorer. Ms. Burget seconded the motion. Motion was carried. A check was cut to Lily’s Garage.

Personnel Policy Amendment: Mr. Parsons made a motion to have Jennifer work with Sarah and Raesha to draft a drug and alcohol policy and present the amendment to the Board at the April 2nd meeting. Ms. Altaffer seconded the motion. Motion was carried.


Crook County Commissioners Meeting March 6, 2019 1:00 pm

Employee Winter Training March 19th-21st, 2019 in Saratoga, Wyoming

Next Board Meeting April 2nd, 2019 at 12:00 pm

Water Quality Monitoring Training April 23-25, 2019


Raesha Sell: March 7th Thursday; Friday, March 15th Leave

Sarah D. Anderson: March 5th, 2019 sick leave

ADJOURN: No other business was discussed. Ms. Burget made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Altaffer seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Office Manager Signature:____________________________________ Date:________________________

Chairman Signature:_________________________________________ Date:________________________

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