The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Swinging into spring season

The Moorcroft Boys Golf Team traveled to Douglas, WY for a tournament on Friday. Moorcroft was one of two 2A teams that competed in this tournament; the remainder of the field was made up of 3A and 4A schools.

Lane Wood led us in scoring with a 92, Caden Connally shot a 98 and Payton Timberman a 102. Overall, I was happy with how the boys competed. Because of weather, we haven’t had a lot of opportunities to get on an actual course.

This was the first time of the spring season where they have been able to play more than two holes. They did very well for their first time out and it will be something that we can build off of going into the remainder of our spring tournaments. 

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