The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Citizens accept snow route proposal

Residents of Texas Trails Subdivision attended the town council meeting Monday night to discuss the plan Moorcroft’s governing body is entertaining to designate the main ingress/egress of the subdivision as a snow route.

The creation of the route will ensure, according to Mayor Dick Claar, “In the event of a snow fall, all vehicles have to be off the streets and we would plow to the side.” The governing body had initially discussed a date-to-date no parking decree, but adjusted the concept. There will be no snow depth qualification.

The group told the council that they don’t mind the designation if the town will enforce the “no parking” regulation, thus allowing for the plowing of snow to the middle.

Texas Trails inhabitant Jerry Fischbach commended the public works department, saying, “They do a great job out there.” He reminded the council that, previously, there had been no snow removal in the subdivision.

Allison said that he does not mind whether they plow to the center or the side as long as there are no vehicles allowed on the street when he does so, explaining, “It makes it hard to plow, to sand and to get our trucks through there.”

He in turn praised two individuals including Fischbach for their efforts in


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