The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
Sorted by date Results 676 - 700 of 822
Town of Moorcroft Public Meeting Monday, November 22, 2021 Town Council Present: Mayor Pro Tem Ben Glenn, Councilmen Dale Petersen, and Paul Smoot Absent: Mayor Clell Claar and Councilman Austin Smith Town Representatives Present: Deputy Clerk Jodi Clark, HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville & Noah Messick Public meeting was open at 6:30 to allow the citizens to review and comment on the SRF Loan that the Town is proposing to apply for which involved a site investigation and preliminary engineers report for a new municipal solid waste cell and C & D... Full story
Town of Moorcroft Public Meeting Monday, November 22, 2021 Town Council Present: Mayor Pro Tem Ben Glenn, Councilmen Dale Petersen, and Paul Smoot Absent: Mayor Clell Claar and Councilman Austin Smith Town Representatives Present: Deputy Clerk Jodi Clark, HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville Public meeting was open at 6:45pm to allow the citizens to review and comment on a project for park improvements and adding a splash pad. The Town is submitting an application to The Land Water Conservation Fund Grant, that is through the Wyoming State Parks and... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, the Commission hereby gives notice of the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) for authority to implement Integrity Rider Rates. 1. BHWG is a public utility as defined by Wyo. Stat. § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(D), subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112. 2. On November, 1 2021, BHWG filed its Application, together with testimony and e... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, notice is hereby given that a public hearing is scheduled regarding the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) requesting authority to remove $29,409,458 from its Gas Cost Adjustment (GCA) mechanism and implement a February Extreme Weather (FEW) rate for all customers taking service under its Regulated GCA Option as of February 28, 2021. The public hearing is s... Full story
Surplus Crook County is having a surplus online equipment auction on Friday, November 19, 2021. Go to for details. Publish: October 28, November 4, 11 and 18, 2021... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, the Commission hereby gives notice of the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) for authority to implement Integrity Rider Rates. 1. BHWG is a public utility as defined by Wyo. Stat. § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(D), subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112. 2. On November, 1 2021, BHWG filed its Application, together with testimony and e... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, notice is hereby given that a public hearing is scheduled regarding the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) requesting authority to remove $29,409,458 from its Gas Cost Adjustment (GCA) mechanism and implement a February Extreme Weather (FEW) rate for all customers taking service under its Regulated GCA Option as of February 28, 2021. The public hearing is s... Full story
Town of Moorcroft Regular Meeting of the Council Monday, November 8th, 2021 Town Council Present: Mayor Pro Tem Ben Glenn, Councilmen Austin Smith and Paul Smoot Absent: Mayor Clell Claar and Councilman Dale Petersen Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Attorney Pat Carpenter, Police Chief Bill Bryant, Public Works Director Cory Allison and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville Discussion was had on November Bill List 1. Councilman Smoot motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and Councilman Smith seconded. Discussion was had... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) to implement a decrease of $0.0102 per therm in the Company’s Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (RAM) rate. The Commission’s approval of BHWG’s rate change is subject to notice, protest, intervention, refund, change, further investigation, opportunity for hearing and further order of the Commission. The RAM rate applies to BHWG’s approximately 132,000 Residential, Small General, Medi... Full story
NOTICE OF INTENT TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CROOK COUNTY SOCIOECONOMIC SUPPLEMENT BY THE CROOK COUNTY LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Be advised the Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission is proposing to recommend the Board of Crook County Commissioners schedule a Public Hearing to approve and adopt the Crook County Socioeconomic Supplement to the recently adopted Natural Resource Management Plan as follows: On December 13, 2021, at the hour of 7:00 P.M., a public hearing will be held in the Community Room at the Crook... Full story
Surplus Crook County is having a surplus online equipment auction on Friday, November 19, 2021. Go to for details. Publish: October 28, November 4, 11 and 18, 2021... Full story
Crook County School District No. 1 Notice is hereby given that the Crook County School District #1 Board of Trustees issued warrants for the following bills exceeding $500.00 at the regular meeting of the board held on OCTOBER 18, 2021, at HULETT, WYOMING. To Whom Paid Purpose of Expenditure Amount General Fund Ackerman, Brandon Isolation $ 558.99 Acme Tools Tools $ 3,898.00 All Around Hardware Supplies $ 771.58 Credit Card Plan Teaching Materials & Supplies $ 7,532.55 Anderson’s School Events Homecoming Supplies $ 779.67 Best W... Full story
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming will conduct a public meeting at 6:30 PM MST, on November 22, 2021, in the Moorcroft Town Hall Conference Room. The purpose of the meeting is to allow citizens to review and comment on the following project. The Town of Moorcroft is planning to do a site investigation and preliminary engineer’s report for a new municipal solid waste cell and C&D cell. This project is to determine the need for a new landfill to replace the existing Moorcroft Landfill No. 3 which is reaching its capacity. A... Full story
Surplus Crook County is having a surplus online equipment auction on Friday, November 19, 2021. Go to for details. Publish: October 28, November 4, 11 and 18, 2021... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG or the Company) to implement a decrease of $0.0102 per therm in the Company’s Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (RAM) rate. The Commission’s approval of BHWG’s rate change is subject to notice, protest, intervention, refund, change, further investigation, opportunity for hearing and further order of the Commission. The RAM rate applies to BHWG’s approximately 132,000 Residential, Small General, Medi... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Moorcroft is accepting sealed bids for the following surplus vehicles: 1999 Peterbilt Garbage Truck 1994 Ford Garbage Truck Both trucks are Heil-Curb Tenders. Please call Town Hall for additional information at 756-3526. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 pm on November 5th at the Town Hall at 104 N. Big Horn, Moorcroft, WY 82721. All bids must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Garbage Truck surplus” for each truck and turned in to the Town Hall office. Bids will be presented and awarded at the Town Cou... Full story
Call For Bids Notice is hereby given that the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming will receive sealed bids for one (1) new 2022 white Dodge Durango AWD Pursuit Vehicle with a 2012 Dodge Durango as a trade in, trade in vehicle is “as is”. Specifications and related bid requirements of interested bidders are available at Town Hall at 104 N. Big Horn Ave; P.O. Box 70 Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 or by calling 307-756-3526 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM Each bid must be received at Moorcroft Town Hall P.O. Box 70, Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 on or before 5... Full story
NOTICE OF SALE OF ABONDONED VEHICLE The following vehicle will be sold at 1 p.m. on November 6, 2021 at 20170 US HWY 16, Moorcroft, Crook County, Wyoming, to wit: A 1956, Chevrolet Pickup, VIN # 255J011211. The Seller claims $700.00 for expense of removal, preservation, custody, storage and sale. The vehicle shall be sold to the highest bidder who pays in a form acceptable to the Seller. Seller: Charles Schoenewald PO Box 503 Moorcroft, WY 82721 (307) 660-2239 Publish: October 21 and 28, 2021... Full story
Call For Bids Notice is hereby given that the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming will receive sealed bids for one (1) new 2022 white Dodge Durango AWD Pursuit Vehicle with a 2012 Dodge Durango as a trade in, trade in vehicle is “as is”. Specifications and related bid requirements of interested bidders are available at Town Hall at 104 N. Big Horn Ave; P.O. Box 70 Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 or by calling 307-756-3526 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM Each bid must be received at Moorcroft Town Hall P.O. Box 70, Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 on or before 5... Full story
NOTICE OF SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW HEARING Be advised that Heritage Properties, LLC, PO Box 812, Moorcroft, WY 82721 is hereby giving notice of their intent to apply for a subdivision permit to subdivide a tract of land in Crook County, Wyoming located as follows: LOFTY RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, BEING LOCATED IN THE S1/2 OF SECTION 30, T50N, R67W, 6TH P.M. CROOK COUNTY, WYOMING Which is generally located 1.40 miles north of the Town of Moorcroft on US Highway14. The preliminary plat of this subdivision will be reviewed by the Crook... Full story
PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Moorcroft is accepting sealed bids for the following surplus vehicles: 1999 Peterbilt Garbage Truck 1994 Ford Garbage Truck Both trucks are Heil-Curb Tenders. Please call Town Hall for additional information at 756-3526. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 pm on November 5th at the Town Hall at 104 N. Big Horn, Moorcroft, WY 82721. All bids must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Garbage Truck surplus” for each truck and turned in to the Town Hall office. Bids will be presented and awarded at the Town Cou... Full story
Surplus Crook County is having a surplus online equipment auction on Friday, November 19, 2021. Go to for details. Publish: October 28, November 4, 11 and 18, 2021... Full story
Town of Moorcroft Regular Meeting of the Council Monday, October 25th, 2021 Town Council Present: Mayor Clell Claar, Councilmen Dale Petersen, Austin Smith, Ben Glenn and Paul Smoot Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Police Chief Bill Bryant and HDR Engineers Heath Turbiville Mayor Claar called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Discussion was had on the bill from A to Z Chemical. Discussion was also had on Bill List 3 for the reimbursement for the AED in Bearlodge Rehab.... Full story
NOTICE OF SALE OF ABONDONED VEHICLE The following vehicle will be sold at 1 p.m. on November 6, 2021 at 20170 US HWY 16, Moorcroft, Crook County, Wyoming, to wit: A 1956, Chevrolet Pickup, VIN # 255J011211. The Seller claims $700.00 for expense of removal, preservation, custody, storage and sale. The vehicle shall be sold to the highest bidder who pays in a form acceptable to the Seller. Seller: Charles Schoenewald PO Box 503 Moorcroft, WY 82721 (307) 660-2239 Publish: October 21 and 28, 2021... Full story