The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
Sorted by date Results 276 - 300 of 822
Meeting Change The Crook County Museum District October board meeting has a time and date change. Meeting will be on October 23 at 5 p.m., at the conference room in Old Stoney Business and Cultural Center. Publish: October 19, 2023...
Meeting Notice The Crook County Medical Services District (CCMSD) Board of Trustees will hold a regular meeting on October 26, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at the Sundance State Bank meeting room. The meeting will also be hosted via Teams webinar. Join the meeting at the link below: Publish: October 19, 2023...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of November 2023, final settlement will be made by Crook County School District No. 1, for and on account of a contract with Scott Brothers Electric for the SHS theatre lighting and sound upgrade. The above work having been completed and accepted according to the plans and specifications of West Plains Engineering, Inc., and the above date being the 41st day after the first publication of this notice, the said Contractor will be...
Final Acceptance Crook County, Wyoming Dust Mitigation Project Notice of Final Acceptance To all persons, corporations or firms who have any claim for work done for or any materials furnished to Dustbusters, Inc. at PO Box 15, Evanston, WY 82931 for the Crook County Dust Suppression Project, located in Crook County, Wyoming. You are hereby notified that Crook County has accepted as completed, according to plans and specifications and rules set forth in the Agreement between the County and the aforementioned Contractor, the work in connection...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of November 2023, final settlement will be made by Crook County School District No. 1, for and on account of a contract with Powder River Heating and Air Conditioning for the Gym Air Quality Project. The above work having been completed and accepted according to the plans and specifications of Mechanical Design Works, and the above date being the 41st day after the first publication of this notice, the said Contractor will be...
NOTICE OF INTENT TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED AMENDED CROOK COUNTY MINOR SUBDIVISION REGULATION AND THE PROPOSED CROOK COUNTY LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AMENDED BY-LAWS BY THE BOARD OF CROOK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Be advised the Board of Crook County Commissioners intends to approve and adopt the Amended Crook County Minor Subdivision Regulation and the Amended Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission Amended By-Laws pursuant to W.S. 18-5-305 and W.S. 16-3-103 and 18-5-202. On Tuesday December 5, 2023, at the hour...
Town of Moorcroft Regular Meeting of the Council Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 Town Council Present: Mayor Ben Glenn, Councilmembers Dale Petersen, Austin Smith, Bob Stewart and Heidi Humpal Town Representatives Present: Deputy Clerk Jodi Clark, Police Chief Bill Bryant, Public Works Director Cory Allison and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville & Attorney Pat Carpenter Mayor Glenn called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll Call was taken. All present. Councilmember Smith motioned to approve the consent agenda...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AT THE COURTHOUSE IN SUNDANCE, CROOK COUNTY, WYOMING Tuesday, October 3, 2023 8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag. Bob moved to approve the minutes from September 5, 6 & 15, 2023. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Kelly moved to approve the BOE minutes from September 15 & October 2, 2023. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Bob moved t...
Final Acceptance Crook County, Wyoming Dust Mitigation Project Notice of Final Acceptance To all persons, corporations or firms who have any claim for work done for or any materials furnished to Dustbusters, Inc. at PO Box 15, Evanston, WY 82931 for the Crook County Dust Suppression Project, located in Crook County, Wyoming. You are hereby notified that Crook County has accepted as completed, according to plans and specifications and rules set forth in the Agreement between the County and the aforementioned Contractor, the work in connection...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of November 2023, final settlement will be made by Crook County School District No. 1, for and on account of a contract with Scott Brothers Electric for the SHS theatre lighting and sound upgrade. The above work having been completed and accepted according to the plans and specifications of West Plains Engineering, Inc., and the above date being the 41st day after the first publication of this notice, the said Contractor will be...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of November 2023, final settlement will be made by Crook County School District No. 1, for and on account of a contract with Powder River Heating and Air Conditioning for the Gym Air Quality Project. The above work having been completed and accepted according to the plans and specifications of Mechanical Design Works, and the above date being the 41st day after the first publication of this notice, the said Contractor will be...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SALE OF PROPERTY) Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Moorcroft, County of Crook, State of Wyoming, will hold a public hearing in accordance with W.S.§15-1-112(b) regarding the sale of real property owned by the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming, described as Lot 12 (N½) and Lot 13 (All), Block 2, of the 2nd Addition to the Town of Moorcroft. The Town of Moorcroft proposes to sell the foregoing described property to the governing body of the West Texas Trail Museum, for the sum of $1,500.00. The s...
PUBLIC NOTICE The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG) for authority to pass on a wholesale gas cost decrease of $0.1104 per therm for non-Choice Gas customers, effective on and after September 1, 2023. The rate is applicable to 67,241 customers, including all Cheyenne and Cody divisions, and all the non-Choice Gas customers in the Casper, Gillette, and Torrington divisions who have elected to take service under the Gas Cost Adjustment Rate. The...
Meeting Notice The annual meeting of the Crook County Senior Services, Inc. Board will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at the Moorcroft Senior Center. Publish: October 5, 2023...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2023 COMMUNITY FACILITY REHABILIATION GRANTAPPLICATION FOR THE MOORCROFT TOWN CENTER BUILDING REHABILITATION PROJECT The Wyoming Business Council is seeking grant applications from counties, incorporated cities, towns, joint powers boards, and tribes for the Community Facility Rehabilitation (CFR) Grant Program. The intent of this program is to complete the preservation of former school facilities as community centers. The rules governing the BRC Grant and Loan Program are available through the Wyoming Business Council...
Town of Moorcroft Regular Meeting of the Council Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 Town Council Present: Mayor Ben Glenn, Councilmembers Dale Petersen, Austin Smith and Heidi Humpal Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Police Chief Bill Bryant, Public Works Director Cory Allison, and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville Mayor Glenn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll call was taken. Councilmember Bob Stewart was excused. Councilmember Petersen motioned to amend the agenda with...
To Whom Paid Purpose of Expenditure Amount General Fund 2 GUYS DECO INC Carpet Replacement $2,982.88 A & B WELDING SUPPLY CO INC Welding Supplies $1,294.57 ADOLPH, DIANA Concessions Reimbursement $1,066.57 AGILE SPORTS TECHNOLOGIES Sports Equipment $5,646.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Supplies $1,635.19 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Supplies $22,437.39 AT&T MOBILITY Data Plan $532.20 AT&T MOBILITY Cell Phone Charges $1,628.31 BEARLODGE AG SUPPLY LLC Water Softner Salt $882.00 BIG HORN TIRE INC Bus Repairs $2,855.60 BN DOORS Repairs $2,018.00 BSN SPORTS...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of October 2023, final settlement will be made by Crook County School District No. 1, for and on account of a contract with Montana Sports Equipment Co. for the MHS and SHS Bleacher Replacement Project. The above work having been completed and accepted according to the plans and specifications of Schutz Foss Architects, P.C., and the above date being the 41st day after the first publication of this notice, the said Contractor will be...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SALE OF PROPERTY) Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Moorcroft, County of Crook, State of Wyoming, will hold a public hearing in accordance with W.S.§15-1-112(b) regarding the sale of real property owned by the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming, described as Lot 12 (N½) and Lot 13 (All), Block 2, of the 2nd Addition to the Town of Moorcroft. The Town of Moorcroft proposes to sell the foregoing described property to the governing body of the West Texas Trail Museum, for the sum of $1,500.00. The s...
UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION 1. Publication Title: Moorcroft Leader; 2. Publication Number: 362-180; 3. Filing Date; 09/28/2023; 4. Issue Frequency: Weekly; 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 52; 6. Annual Subscription Price: $40.00; 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: Moorcroft Leader, PO BOX 67, MOORCROFT WY 82721 / CROOK; 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: THE SUNDANCE TIMES, PO BOX 400, SUNDANCE WY 82729-0400;...
PUBLIC NOTICE The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) approved the Application of Black Hills Wyoming Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy (BHWG) for authority to pass on a wholesale gas cost decrease of $0.1104 per therm for non-Choice Gas customers, effective on and after September 1, 2023. The rate is applicable to 67,241 customers, including all Cheyenne and Cody divisions, and all the non-Choice Gas customers in the Casper, Gillette, and Torrington divisions who have elected to take service under the Gas Cost Adjustment Rate. The...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AT THE COURTHOUSE IN SUNDANCE, CROOK COUNTY, WYOMING Friday, September 15, 2023 10:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones. Present for a discussion on land application of sewage were via Teams Dale Lee & Brad Ellis, DEQ, also present were Jim Geis, Ralph Goodson, Sarah Pridgeon, Tim Lyons, Caleb Peters and Joe Baron. Bob moved to sign a letter of support to the Sundance Economic Development Group. K...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of October 2023, final settlement will be made by Crook County School District No. 1, for and on account of a contract with Montana Sports Equipment Co. for the MHS and SHS Bleacher Replacement Project. The above work having been completed and accepted according to the plans and specifications of Schutz Foss Architects, P.C., and the above date being the 41st day after the first publication of this notice, the said Contractor will be...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (SALE OF PROPERTY) Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Moorcroft, County of Crook, State of Wyoming, will hold a public hearing in accordance with W.S.§15-1-112(b) regarding the sale of real property owned by the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming, described as Lot 12 (N½) and Lot 13 (All), Block 2, of the 2nd Addition to the Town of Moorcroft. The Town of Moorcroft proposes to sell the foregoing described property to the governing body of the West Texas Trail Museum, for the sum of $1,500.00. The s...
Town of Moorcroft Regular Meeting of the Council Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 Town Council Present: Mayor Ben Glenn, Councilmembers Dale Petersen, Austin Smith, Bob Stewart and Heidi Humpal Town Representatives Present: Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider, Attorney Pat Carpenter, Police Chief Bill Bryant, Public Works Director Cory Allison and HDR Engineer Heath Turbiville Mayor Glenn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll call was taken. All present. Councilmember Smith motioned to approve the...